Ted Stevens (R-AK), the longest serving GOP senator, was indicted on corruption charges today. The indictment includes seven counts of failing to disclose more than $250,000 in gifts and services from an oil services company that helped renovate his home. All I can say is: it’s about time! More here, here and here.
Archives for July 2008
I’ve been digging around looking for something interesting to blog about over the past few days and so far I’ve come up dry. I could write about Barack Obama’s world tour but that’s been done to death and frankly I can’t think of anything hasn’t already been said. So I thought rather than leaving you […]
The Champagne Is On Me…
Whew! That was fun… I just finished moving jasetaro.com to a new web host. I won’t get into all the details I’ll just say that over the that over the last couple of weeks its become clear that my old host wasn’t going to be able to meet my needs, so I fired them. So […]
Irish Eyes Are Smiling…
Congratulations Padraig Harrington, Champion Golf of the Year. Harrington fired a 1 under par 69 on Sunday to win his second straight British Open Championship.
Could Iraq Be The Democrats Waterloo?
Democrats have spent virtually every waking minute of the last 5 years predicting disaster in Iraq. They’ve so thoroughly invested themselves in defeat one has to wonder what they’re going to do now that the situation there has improved so dramatically that even the mainstream media has taken notice? For the moment they seem to […]
Oh Jeez… The New Yorker Strikes Again.
I’ve long considered The New Yorker to be nothing more than quasi-intellectual crap and their latest cover does nothing change that opinion. The cover, which is supposed to be satirical spoof of the fears and lies about Obama, depicts Barack & Michelle sharing a celebratory fist bump in the oval office. There’s a portrait of […]
A McCain landslide?
The American Thinker is one my daily must reads and this mornings piece by Kyle-Anne Shiver “Could 2008 Be a McCain Landslide?” certainly has me thinking. I’m not ready to join Ms. Shiver out on that limb though, frankly I’m more pessimistic about John McCain’s prospects than she is. That said her analysis is definitely […]
My fellow conservatives…
My fellow conservatives, it’s time for us to face an ugly reality – we had a bunch of lackluster uninspiring presidential candidates to choose from and now we’re stuck with John McCain as our nominee. I’m no McCain fan, I don’t like him and I don’t trust him to stand up for conservative principles. But […]
Whoops, I’m back…
I had a minor database problem this morning and had to restore from a backup. Unfortunately any comments that were posted yesterday were lost. π
Tell the RNC what you think…
Here’s your chance… Have at them π Here’s my top ten: A strong dollar – The value of the dollar has fallen over much of the past decade and we’re paying for it in the form of higher prices for oil and gas among other things. Stabilizing and strengthening the dollar will help reduce the […]
Contest Time…
The first person to leave a comment revealing what this t-shirt says gets one free. Good luck.
Happy Birthday America!
In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which […]