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My initial gut reaction is Newt Gingrich, though, the more I think about it the more I’m leaning towards Michael Steele or Fred Thompson. As much as I like Newt he may be to polarizing for the job.
The choice between Steele and Thompson is tough one, I don’t think we could go wrong with either one, ultimately I think Michael Steele embodies the idea of “change” more than Thompson does so I guess you can put me in the Steele camp.
Who’s your choice? Tell us why in comments.
I like steele, but he’s just not that conservative. In this cycle, we really need someone to help restore some faith in conservatism.
I’m not going to flood your site with links, but I hope folks will research this thoroughly before jumping to conclusions.
I would choose Steele. Both Gingrich and Thompson supported the bailout. IN fact, Thompson wrote one of the rudest, most condescending commentaries on the subject that I can remember, likening anybody who did not support it to a foolish child.
We have quite enough of that elitist-style leadership, and that’s a big part of the reason that the party is in the shape that it is in today.
I’d choose Thompson but I don’t know if he wants the Job.