Connie Hair at Human Events reports on the latest power grab by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi plans to re-write House rules today to ensure that the Republican minority is unable to have any influence on legislation. Pelosi’s proposals are so draconian, and will so polarize the Capitol, that any thought President-elect Obama has of bipartisan cooperation will be rendered impossible before he even takes office.
Pelosi’s rule changes — which may be voted on today — will reverse the fairness rules that were written around Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America.”
In reaction, the House Republican leadership is sending a letter today to Pelosi to object to changes to House Rules this week that would bar Republicans from offering alternative bills, amendments to Democrat bills or even the guarantee of open debate accessible by motions to recommit for any piece of legislation during the entire 111th Congress. These procedural abuses, as outlined in the below letter obtained by HUMAN EVENTS, would also include the repeal of six-year limit for committee chairmen and other House Rules reform measures enacted in 1995 as part of the Contract with America.
I’m not the least bit surprised by this news… Democrats in congress are only interested in bipartisanship on their terms.
H/T: Michelle Malkin.
This like the Panetta appointment make sense if you consider. Obama was the most liberal senator in the Senate. That means he values power in Government and if anyone is going to weild power it will be him.
Pelosi Changing the rules is just prepping the battlefield.Has anyone considered, that Obama is setting Panetta up as a potential Scape Goat? Seriously, who do you think will be the first to get blamed if another terrorist attack happens?
What happened after 9-11? We blamed the intelligence community, so if something happens, Obama will have an easy scape goat in Panetta. That’s why I think he appointed such an unqualified person to the post.
It could also be that having such a weak person, would make him as President have more power in the long run. It’s the same way with Pelosi changing the rules in the House. The democrats are setting themselves up either to reap great benefits if things go right, or reap retribution at the ballot box if they utterly fail.