Just a reminder to readers I’ll be covering the Ridgefield Tea party tomorrow morning. The rally kicks off at 10:00 a.m. in Ballard park on Main Street in Ridgefiled, CT. Public Parking is available off Bailey Ave. and also off Prospect St. one block away.
The Ridgefield Press has short writeup on the rally and the organizers:
Recalling outraged colonists dumping tea into Boston Harbor in 1773, two Ridgefielders are stirring up protest against the government’s tax-borrow-print-and-spend approach to the economic crisis.
They plan a demonstration in Ballard Park on Saturday, March 21, at 10 a.m. as part of a national movement of “tea party” protests.
“Are you opposed to the so-called ‘stimulus bill’?” “Do you believe the ‘mortgage bailout’ rewards bad behavior?” an appeal on the Internet says. “Are you willing to make your voice heard?”
Ridgefielders Skip March and Chris Murray joined Mike Taylor of Stamford in organizing the event. A second protest is planned for March 28 in Stamford.
“We are drawing interest from five states – Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey and Rhode Island,” said Mr. Taylor, the chief organizer.
“We wanted to create an opportunity for like-minded citizens to share in a positive and productive protest of their government,” said Mr. Murray,
The protest was originally planned near town hall, but police recommended moving it to the park.
Demonstrators are encouraged to bring signs — but not mean ones.
“We want them to be constructive,” Mr. March said, “understanding we’re against certain things, but also for certain things, and not focused on individuals so much as policies and issues — and, hopefully, with a sense of humor.”
Organizers aren’t sure how many people will show up.
There are several rallies planned here in Connecticut:
Stamford Tea party
When: Saturday, March 28 @ 10:oo a.m.
Where: 96 Broad Street (Starbucks/Library location) corner of Broad and Bedford
When: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 time TBA
Where: TBA
When: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 time TBA
Where: TBA
For more information or to find a rally near you see: Tax Day Tea Party, New American Tea Party, Re-TeaParty or National Tea Party Day.
I hope this becomes the anthem for the tea parties. I created this video last night after reading about Texas enacting the Tenth Ammendment:
There are photos from the Ridgefield Tea Party!!!
If you want a copy of the video without linking just let me know!
Thanks for what you are doing!