Roughly 300 people attended the Ridgefield Tea Party in Ballard park today… from the Ridgefield Press:
Flags-wavers, bell-ringers, some in colonial military get-up, others wearing American flags as capes: angry Americans gathered 200 to 300 strong at Ridgefield’s Ballard Park Saturday morning to vent their frustration.
“Dump Dodd now!” and “We’re not Europe!” and “It’s not your money!” they chanted.
Passing drivers honked, waved or gave them the thumbs up sign.
They came from Ridgefield, Fairfield, Bridgeport, Bethel, and other towns for what had been billed as a modern “tea party.” They carried signs: “Give me liberty, not Europe,” “Obama lies and America dies,” “Socialism is trickle-up poverty,” “Wanted: Loving families for released GITMO terrorists — Call 1-800-I-Voted-For-Obama,” and “Support Our Troops.”
Organizer Chris Murray’s school-age son Peter carried a sign that said, “Broke before my turn.”
“I went to one in Hartford, this is twice as much,” said former Ridgefield School Board Chairman Keith Miller. “This is three or four hundred. Hartford had 150.”
While the protesters had a range of grievances, from illegal immigration to worries that the country was turning to socialism, the dominant themes seemed to be mis-spending of tax dollars, piling up debt, and the growth of government.
“If you talk to these people, most of it is fiscal irresponsibility,” Mr. Miller said. “People cannot fathom the level of debt — for their grandchildren.”
Particular politicians were also targeted — particularly Connecticut U.S. Senator Christopher Dodd and President Barack Obama.
“I want to dump Dodd and I want to dump Dodd and get rid of Obama as soon as it’s legally possible,” said Jamie Shafer of Wilton Road West. “I’m very worried about my country — it’s an outrage a day.”
Here’s a few photos from the rally.
here are my pics from today’s rally in Ridgefield
Great pictures, Jeff. On to Stamford.