This is the my second Memorial Day without my father, he passed away last year just a few days shy of 87th birthday. He was a veteran of the Second World War, having served in Europe with 709th Military Police Battalion and the 351st Engineer Regiment. Much like last year my thoughts today are of him […]
Archives for May 2010
The Stupidest Law Ever Proposed
I’ve seen a lot of dumb ideas put forth by politicians on both sides of the isle, but a bill introduced in the New York State legislature by Assemblymen Annette Robinson (D-Bedford Stuyvesant) and Darryl Towns (D-East New York) is probably the single stupidest law ever proposed… anywhere! From the New York Post: City cops […]
Mojave Cross Replaced… Then Removed
Sometime late Wednesday night or early Thursday morning someone erected a replacement for the “Mojave Cross” which was torn down and stolen by vandals a week ago. The replacement cross was promptly removed by the park service: The Mojave Cross saga took yet another unexpected turn Thursday, when the contested symbol that vanished last week […]
Poll: Blumenthal Loses Ground, Leads McMahon By Just Three Points
The latest Rasmussen Reports survey of likely voters in Connecticut shows Attorney General Richard Blumenthal’s lead over potential Republican challengers has shrunk significantly following yesterdays revelations he exaggerated his military record: Following a New York Times report that he exaggerated his military record, Democratic Senate hopeful Richard Blumenthal has lost ground in match-ups against all […]
Rep. Mark Souder Resigns After Affair With Staffer
I should have mentioned this yesterday, but the Blumenthal and Bysiewicz stories put it on the back burner… Eight term Indian Congressman Mark Souder resigned yesterday after admitting to an affair with a female aide who worked in his district office: Eight-term Indiana Rep. Mark Souder announced his resignation Tuesday after admitting to an affair […]
Breaking: Connecticut Supreme Court Rules Bysiewicz Not Eligible To Run For AG
The Connecticut Supreme Court today overturned a lower court ruling that would have allowed Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz to run for attorney general. The court’s 7-0 decision found that Bysiewicz’s duties as secretary of the state did not qualify as the practice of law, meaning she does not have the minimum 10 years […]
NYT: Blumenthal Lied About Vietnam Service
The New York Times is raising questions about Senate candidate and current Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal’s claims he served in Vietnam: At a ceremony honoring veterans and senior citizens who sent presents to soldiers overseas, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut rose and spoke of an earlier time in his life. “We have learned […]
Mojave Cross Torn Down and Stolen by Vandals
The Mojave Cross, a memorial to World War I veterans, which has stood in various forms for more than 75 years was torn down and stolen by vandals sometime late Sunday or early Monday morning: The 7-foot-tall metal cross in a 75-year-old war memorial that withstood the heat of the Mojave Desert and a blazing […]