The gang over at Bankrupting America took their camera’s to the Restoring Honor rally in D.C. today to test the attendees government spending IQ… The result are interesting.
Before watching the video see if you can answer the following questions:
- Bush or Obama? This president spent a record-breaking $3 trillion in a single year.
- Bush or Obama? This president bailed out hundreds of large banks and corporations.
- Bush or Obama? This president spent billions of taxpayer dollars on “stimulus” spending during a recession.
- Bush or Obama? This President increased spending by many times the rate of inflation across most non-defense categories – such as education, Medicare, Medicaid, income security and regional development.
- Bush or Obama? This president passed an expensive healthcare bill.
The answers are here and supporting documentation are here.
That’s right the answer to all five questions is both… I’ve made this point before, but it’s worth repeating:
Every presidential administration and every Congress since Ronald Reagan left office has grown government.
When Richard Nixon left office the Federal Register, where the government publishes all current and proposed regulations, contained just over 29,000 pages. It ballooned to roughly 58,000 pages under Ford, and to nearly 73,000 pages under Carter. Under Ronald Reagan it shrank to roughly 55,000 pages, since then it has grown steadily to over 79,000 pages at the end George W. Bush’s term.
Yes, I know, counting the number of pages in the Federal Register is crude way measuring the size or intrusivenss of government, but it helps illustrate the the problem… Neither party has been particularly faithful to our Founders Fathers idea of limited, fiscally responsible government.