This is priceless… Karl Rove on Sunday called on Delaware GOP senate candidate Christine O’Donnell to explain comments on witchcraft she made during a guest appearance on Politically Incorrect 11 years ago:
Karl Rove – the top GOP strategist who declared last week that Christine O’Donnell’s surprise victory does “little good” for the party – is now calling on the surprise Senate nominee to explain her comments about witchcraft.
“In southern Delaware where there are a lot of churchgoing people, they’re going to want to know what that is all about,” the former aide to President George W. Bush told “Fox News Sunday.”
“My view is she can’t simply ignore it,” he said. “She’s got to deal with it and explain it and put it in its most sympathetic light and move on.”
O’Donnell uttered the comments in question during a 1999 appearance on the now-canceled show “Politically Incorrect,” saying then, “I dabbled into witchcraft – I never joined a coven. But I did, I did. … I dabbled into witchcraft.”
Careful what you wish for Karl… You might just get it:
Republican Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell is making light of comments she made more than a decade ago when she was in high school about having dabbled in witchcraft.
“How many of you didn’t hang out with questionable folks in high school?” she asked fellow Republicans at a GOP picnic in southern Delaware on Sunday.
“There’s been no witchcraft since. If there was, Karl Rove would be a supporter now,” O’Donnell jokingly assured the crowd.
Heh, Point O’Donnell.
Alright, sarcasm aside, if having once been young — and dumb disqualifies one from ever holding public office than I’d dare say the vast majority of us are, well, unqualified.
At one time or another, particularly in our teens, most of us have done some foolish, dumb, possibly dangerous and/or even illegal things that we’d love to forget. Most of us however grew up and became upstanding productive members of society… Much like Christine O’Donnell. Yes, she has flaws, but there are no perfect candidates or perfect people for that matter. We’re flawed in one way or another — but given the choice between Ms. O’Donnell and a self confessed bearded Marxist like Chris Coons… I’ll take Ms. O’Donnell.
Michelle Malkin has background on Ms. O’Donnell’s witchcraft remarks and their context here.
And on a related note (and at the risk of being labeled a RINO for linking to a post by Patterico) take a couple of minutes to read this post: Leftist Activist in Delaware: Chris Coons Harassed Me Due to My Political Activism… Like I said given a choice between Chris Coons and Christine O’Donnell, I’ll take Ms. O’Donnell any day.
She DID explain, Karl. Did you miss something? Get over it.