I’m going to get hate mail for posting this, but what hell.
Ron Paul, makes a lot of sense when he talks about monetary policy, or the need for greater transparency at the Federal Reserve, but Allen West is right… His foreign policy ideas are dangerously isolationist, and frankly, naive. And for that reason I can’t support him for President.
H/T: The Blaze… Video courtesy of the Shark Tank.
- Why We Can’t Afford to Have Ron Paul as President – Confederate Yankee
- Ron Paul: The GOP’s Henry Wallace – Spyridon Mitsotakis, Big Peace
Ron Paul is noninterventionist – he is not an isolationist. Establishment politicians, on both sides of the aisle, Republican and Democrat, are both isolationist and interventionist.
“It is not we non-interventionists who are isolationists. The real isolationists are those who choose to use force overseas to promote democracy, rather than seek change through diplomacy, engagement, and by setting a positive example. This is a counterproductive approach that actually leads the United States to be resented and more isolated in the world.” – Ron Paul, “I Advocate the Same Foreign Policy the Founding Fathers Would” October 8, 2007
“Noninterventionism is not isolationism. Nonintervention simply means America does not interfere militarily, financially, or covertly in the internal affairs of other nations. It does not mean that we isolate ourselves; on the contrary, our founders advocated open trade, travel, communication, and diplomacy with other nations”. – Ron Paul, Nonintervention: The Original Foreign Policy, March 15, 2007.
The 911 attacks were a direct result of US intervention in the Middle East that began when a CIA coup, code-named Operation Ajax, overthrew the democratically elected government of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh in August 1953. Four of the most commonly known attacks include the 1979 US Embassy Hostage Crisis in Iran (1979), the US Embassy and Marine barracks bombing in Lebanon (1983), the World Trade Center bombing (1993) and the attacks on 911. All four events were directly related to three specific types of US intervention to include:
Covert intervention: Iran, August 1953
Military intervention: Lebanon, June 1982
Financial intervention in the form of Foreign Aid to Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Pakistan and the Gulf States