The past few days have been testament to Murphy’s Law… whatever could go wrong did. Repeatedly. I won’t bore you with details… thankfully it wasn’t anything serious just a cascade of small failures that created big headaches. In strange way the last few days have been a metaphor for liberty. Life in a free society is often chaotic, messy & stressful. Which brings us too today’s collection of quotes from our founding fathers.
The first from Thomas Jefferson “I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it” is a reminder despite the chaos of freedom it is far better than the tranquility of oppression.
The second from Benjamin Franklin “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety” reminds us that trading away liberty for the illusion of safety usually ends with us having neither.
And lastly John Adams “Liberty once lost is lost forever” reminds that once we surrender our liberties, we’re not going to them back. Think about how zealously public officials have held on to, and wielded, their “emergency powers” for past two years.