A lot has been written about greed and mismanagement on Wall Street but that’s only half the story… Make no mistake greed and mismanagement played their part but so did government intervention and regulatory policy and that’s the largely untold story: Related Speaking of doom, what if Obama only makes it worse? – John Ibbitson, […]
He Painted a Giant What on the Roof???
From The Sun: CHEEKY student Rory McInnes did some DIY at the family home — painting a 60ft WILLY on the roof. Parents Andy and Clare were delighted when builders finished a new flat roof on their £1million house. But Rory, 18, had just watched a documentary about Google Earth — which lets internet users […]
Here It Is…
Two nights ago President Barack Obama said he wanted to see the Republican’s budget alternative… Today he got it: H/T: Michelle Malkin.
Let the Exodus Begin…
Jake DeSantis may have been the most public buts he’s not the only one at AIG Finacial Products who’s cleaning out his desk: NEW YORK (Reuters) – Several more employees are leaving the controversial financial products unit that brought American International Group Inc to its knees last year, according to a person with knowledge of […]
Senate Reviewing How College Football Picks No. 1
Apparently Sen. Orrin Hatch doesn’t have enough real work to do so he’s convinced the Senate Judiciary’s subcommittee on antitrust, competition policy and consumer rights to hold hearings on how college football selects the number1 team: WASHINGTON (AP) — Everyone from President Barack Obama on down to fans has criticized how college football determines its […]
If Republicans in Congress Had Any Courage…
… They’d follow the lead of MEP Daniel Hannan and rip Barack Obama to shreds the way Hannan tore Gordon Brown apart: You can read Daniel’s blog here.
Idiot: Geithner Speaks, Dollar Sinks
In remarks before Council on Foreign Relations today Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner said the U.S. is open to an SDR linked currency… Geithner later clarified his remarks by saying that “the dollar remains the world’s dominant reserve currency” and that that is likely to continue for some time, but the results of his remarks were […]
NYT: Dear A.I.G., I Quit!
I hope Barack Obama, Timothy Geithner, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Chris Dood, Andrew Cuomo, Richard Blumenthal and all the pundits who have lead the AIG lynch mob are happy now: The following is a letter sent on Tuesday by Jake DeSantis, an executive vice president of the American International Group’s financial products unit, to Edward […]
Media Bias, What Media Bias???
Mike over at Flopping Aces points out striking visual evidence of media bias: Mark Dziubek of Southington Conn. steps off a bus in Fairfield Conn. on Saturday March 21, 2009 as members of the media wait outside at a AIG executive’s home. A busload of activists outnumbered 2-to-1 by reporters and photographers are paying visits […]
Chris Dodd’s Wife Paid by AIG Subsidiary???
Chris Dodd had an Op Ed in “Dodd: Setting the record straight” in this morning’s News Times… Unfortunately, the piece doesn’t seem to be on their web site so I can’t link to it… Regardless the timing couldn’t have been worse since Sen. Dodd is likely to face new questions about his wife’s involvement with […]
Obama Administration Seeks Broad Power to Seize Firms
This is rather frightening, the Obama administration is not only seeking broad power to regulate risk on Wall Street, they’re also seeking the broad power to seize companies that the Treasury Department thinks may represent a risk to our economy if they fail: Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner is set to argue for the new […]
George Will: Congress is a Toxic Asset
This is one of the few times I agree with George Will: With the braying of 328 yahoos — members of the House of Representatives who voted for retroactive and punitive use of the tax code to confiscate the legal earnings of a small, unpopular group — still reverberating, the Obama administration yesterday invited private-sector […]
Janet Napolitano: This Week’s Biggest Idiot in Washington
From Newsmax.com: The new term for terrorism being used by President Obama’s secretary of Homeland Security would be comical if it were not so scary. Instead of referring to threats from terrorists, Janet Napolitano is referring in her speeches to “man-caused disasters.” In an interview, a reporter for Germany’s Spiegel Online asked Napolitano whether her […]
Unintended Consequences: AIG Bonus Tax Could Have Painful Side Effects
Haste makes waste my grandmother used to say… When it comes to legislation haste often leads to unintended consequences. Take for example congresses rush to pass a 90 percent tax on the retention bonuses paid to executives at AIG (emphasis mine): Lawmakers bellowed with outrage last week following revelations that AIG was paying millions in […]
Of Conservatives and Tea Parties
I was reading some of the comments posted on the News Times web site in response to their story on the Ridgefield, CT tea party. This comment from “poo poo the self pitiers” in particular caught my eye: GOP hypocrites. Unbelievable gall. Now all of a sudden, the party that brought you the endless money […]