Say what??? Oh the irony… As global markets plunged, President Bush on Monday said “it’s going to take awhile” for the government’s $700 billion financial rescue plan to bolster the troubled U.S. economy. Bush said the purpose of the package was to unlock the nation’s credit freeze “to get money moving again.” But, he added: […]
Sarah Palin & Barack Obama: Tops In Spam
Secure Computing released a new report on spam trends Friday, among the reports findings, spam citing Gov. Sarah Palin topped her opponent, Sen. Joe Biden, by a ratio of 5 to 4 during the month of September. In a top-of-the-ticket comparison, spam using the name of Sen. Barack Obama easily topped the use of his […]
Rasmussen: 59% Would Vote to Replace Entire Congress
Color me unsuprised… Rasmussen has released the results of a new poll showing that 59% of voter would vote to replace the entire Congress: Congress was front and center in the national news last week and the American people were far from impressed. If they could vote to keep or replace the entire Congress, 59% […]
Atrivo/Intercage Down For The Count?
Being in the technology business this is something near and dear to my heart… It appears that Atrivo, also know as Intercage is finally down for the count. Gadi Evron has a post here. Brian Krebs has backgound here.
Note to the AP: You Can Stop Digging Now
Just when you think the Associated Press can’t sink any lower they do. The news analysis piece on Sarah Palin’s William Ayers remarks by the AP’s Douglass K. Daniel is real jaw-dropper: Analysis: Palin’s words carry racial tinge. Palin’s words avoid repulsing voters with overt racism. But is there another subtext for creating the false […]
The Credit Crisis Explained
Well there you have it.
How Bin Laden Got Away
The New York Post has and interesting article about the battle for Tora Bora in 2001 that sheds new light on how Osama Bin Laden got away. Most of the the article rehashes what I’ve read previously… That the US relied on its allies in Afghanistan and Pakistan to block his escape. What caught my […]
Public Funding Limits Behind McCain’s Michigan Pullout?
The Hill is reporting that public funding limits are behind the McCain Campaign’s decision to pullout of Michigan. Barack Obama’s decision to forego public funding for his presidential campaign helped force John McCain to withdraw from Michigan, abandoning an important strategic objective, said a McCain adviser. The withdrawal was a painful decision for Sen. McCain […]
70 Million Viewers – Wow
Ok so it was really only 69,989,000 but last nights Vice Presidential debate was the most watched ever. From the the Live Feed: Thursday’s highly anticipated face-off between Alaska governor Sarah Palin and Delaware senator Joe Biden was the most-watched vp debate of all time. Last night’s event was seen by nearly 70 million viewers, […]
Palin On Michigan Pullout: Do We Have To?
I’m not sure sending her Michigan would help at this point, all the polls say it’s a lost cause. But what the hell… If Gov. Palin wants engage in a little retail politics and try to start a Palinmania brush fire in Michigan I’m all for it. H/T: Hot Air.
Crap Sandwich 2.0 Passes The House 263-171
The Wall Street Journal has the details: WASHINGTON — U.S. House of Representatives lawmakers wary of growing signs of the nation’s economic distress voted Friday in favor of a $700 billion Wall Street rescue package, sending the biggest government intervention in the financial markets since the Great Depression to President George W. Bush for his […]
Poll Question: Who Won The Vice Presidential Debate?
[poll id=”6″] On points I’d score it as a narrow win for Gov. Palin, overall on style and substance it was a landslide… She wiped the floor with both Senator Biden and moderator Gwen Ifill. Best line: “I may not answer the questions the way that the moderator or the Senator may want me to […]
In Their Own Words: What They Said About Fannie & Freddie
The Wall Street Journal has a long history over covering the abuses of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac today they’re naming names and calling out the Democrats who helped cause our financial crisis. House Financial Services Committee hearing, Sept. 25, 2003: Rep. Gregory Meeks, (D., N.Y.): . . . I am just pissed off at […]
Ouch… Someone’s Not Happy
Someone’s not happy about the Bush/Paulson/Bernanky bailout plan. H/T: Kathryn Jean Lopez.
Palate Cleanser: Hank Williams Jr. – That’s How They Do It in Dixie
I need a break… Between the cold from hell and having to listening to a friend go one of his ill-informed rants about how the government needs to regulate and punish greedy corrupt banks, tax the windfall profits of oil companies and pretty much any other capitalist enterprise this morning… I need something to clear […]