Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and Attorney General Tom Horne announced at a news conference today that they intend counter sure the file a counter-lawsuit against the federal government for failing to enforce immigration laws: Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has announced the state will sue the federal government for its failure to secure the border and […]
Chuck Schumer: ‘We have 3 branches of gov’t — A House, a Senate, a President’…
Wow, just wow: Idiot. Umm, Senator Schumer the three branches of Government specified by the Constitution are the Executive, the Legislative and the Judicial not the Senate, House and President, you might want to review Articles 1, 2 and 3 of the Constitution. It’s no wonder we’re in the mess we’re in when so many […]
Breaking: Florida District Court Rules Obamacare Unconstitutional
Federal District Court Judge Roger Vinson has ruled that a key provision of President Obama’s health care reform law passed last year violates the Constitution. Judge Vinson’s decision is the second judicial blow to the President’s signature legislative achievement in a little over a month. Today’s ruling in a lawsuit filed the attorneys general and […]
Merry Christmas
I first posted this poem by S. Omar Barker a couple of years ago and thought I’d re-post here: A Cowboy’s Christmas Prayer By S. Omar Barker (1894-1985) I ain’t much good at prayin’, and You may not know me, Lord- I ain’t much seen in churches where they preach Thy Holy Word, But you […]
Breaking: Federal Judge Rules ObamaCare Individual Mandate Unconstitutional
U.S. District Court judge Henry Hudson has ruled key provision of the Democrats health care reform law unconstitutional. from The Wall Street Journal: A federal district judge sided with the state of Virginia in its challenge to the health law passed in March, saying Congress exceeded its “constitutional boundaries” when it required most Americans to […]
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving everyone… and to every Soldier, Sailor, Airman and Marine: Thank You and God Bless You. Proclamation of Thanksgiving BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which […]
Janet Napolitano: Next Step for Body Scanners Could Be Public Transit
I linked to this piece from The Hill as a related item yesterday, but I think it deserves comment, so here we go: The next step in tightened security could be on U.S. public transportation, trains and boats. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says terrorists will continue to look for U.S. vulnerabilities, making tighter security […]
Priceless: Adam Savage Mythbusts the TSA
A big hat tip to Gizmodo… This is probably the single best indictment of the TSAs “things” mentality I’ve ever seen: Heh, I’m not the least bit surprised the TSA missed those blades… much of what they is a sort of Kabuki theater that’s destined to fail far more often than they’d to like admit. […]
TSA Head: We Don’t Profile
I’ve been debating whether or not to weigh in on the TSA screening controversy for much of the past week, I’ve stayed away from it mainly because I haven’t felt like I’ve had anything other than a vitriolic rant to add to the discussion. Anyway, Gateway Pundit and The Other McCain are pointing out this […]
Guilty: House Ethics Panel Finds Rangel Guilty on 11 of 13 Charges
Well it didn’t take long for a House ethics panel to find New York Congressman Charles Rangel guilty on charges of that he violated House rules: A House ethics panel found senior Democratic lawmaker Charles Rangel guilty of 11 of the 13 counts of House ethics violations lodged against him. The New York congressman wasn’t […]
Ouch: Saturday Night Live Mocks Obama’s G20 Summit Trip
It’s more or less the same skit as last time, but it’s still petty good and we are still dealing the same crappy economic policies. Ouch, the sad thing is, this really isn’t a laughing matter… I don’t think there’s intellectually honest person on the left or right who can call the results President Obama’s […]
Obama Administration Grants 111 Obamacare Waivers; Buries Info on HHS Web Site
When it come to the health care reform the devil is in the details… or is this case the details you won’t see in the news. As of November 1, 2010 the Department of Health and Human Services has handed out 111 waivers exempting dozens of businesses and unions from provisions of the so call […]
Palin E-mail Hacker Gets One-year Sentence
David Kernell the 20 year old college student who was convicted of breaking into Sarah Palin’s private e-mail account during the 2008 Presidential campaign has been sentenced to one year in prison: The former college student who guessed his way into Sarah Palin’s Yahoo e-mail account during the 2008 U.S. presidential election was sentenced to […]
Happy Birthday Marines!
A toast to the to United States Marine Corps… 235 years of faithful service in peace and war. Thank you, may God Bless you and keep you safe. The Commandant’s message remembers all Marines, but focuses special attention on the Marines who fought in Korea: To quote Ronald Reagan “Some people spend an entire lifetime […]
Ramesh Ponnuru: A Ticket for ’12
I spotted this post by Ramesh Ponnuru on National Review Online’s Corner blog yesterday and thought I’d weigh in: There’s been a lot of talk about Jeb Bush over the last few days. If he does run, he should consider Liz Cheney as a running mate. They won’t even have to design new stickers. I’m […]