Two months the media and Obama Administration were trumpeting the announcement that third quarter GDP had grown at an annualized rate of 3.5%. Unfortunately, their celebrations were a bit premature the Commerce Department today announced their final estimate of third quarter GDP… Not surprisingly third quarter GDP was a lot lower than they originally estimated: […]
D.C. Cop Brings Gun to Snowball Fight
What kind of a moron brings a gun a to a snowball fight? Apparently a veteran police detective in Washington D.C.: An off-duty Washington D.C. police detective went berserk and began waving his gun around when his Hummer was pelted with snowballs during this weekend’s storm. “Yes I did (pull my gun), because I got […]
Tom Coburn: Senate Health Care Bill is Scarier Than You Think
I have no doubt that critics will claim Dr. Tom Coburn’s Wall Street Journal op-ed is nothing but scare tactics… But the simple truth is if quoting from the bill scares people maybe the bill itself isn’t such good idea: My 25 years as a practicing physician have shown me what happens when government attempts […]
Michael Moore: Start recall of Lieberman 2day or we’ll boycott your state.
I don’t know what’s funnier this tweet by nutroots clown prince Michael Moore: People of Connecticut: What have u done 2 this country? We hold u responsible. Start recall of Lieberman 2day or we’ll boycott your state. Or this statement by Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro: “No individual should hold health care hostage, including Joe Lieberman, and […]
Good News: National Debt Already Tops Debt Limit
From CBS News: The latest calculation of the National Debt as posted by the Treasury Department has – at least numerically – exceeded the statutory Debt Limit approved by Congress last February as part of the Recovery Act stimulus bill. The ceiling was set at $12.104 trillion dollars. The latest posting by Treasury shows the […]
Tom Coburn Fires Warning Shot Across Harry Reid’s Bow
Things got little interesting in the Senate earlier today when Senator Tom Coburn fired what can best be called a warning shot across Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s bow. Sen. Coburn refused to allow unanimous consent on Sen. Bernie Sander’s single payer amendment to the health care reform bill and demanded that they read entire […]
Senate Democrats Reach Health Reform Compromise; Drop Public Option
From the Wall Street Journal: Senior Senate Democrats reached tentative agreement Tuesday night to abandon the government-run insurance plan in their health-overhaul bill and to expand Medicare coverage to some people ages 55 to 64, clearing the most significant hurdle so far in getting a bill that can pass Congress. Liberals dropped the public insurance […]
Tiger Woods Pays Fine; Admits to Transgressions
The Florida Highway Patrol has closed it’s investigation into professional golfer Tiger Woods weekend car accident. Woods was issued a citation for careless driving and fined $164.00: The Florida Highway Patrol says pro golfer Tiger Woods will be cited for “careless driving” and could be fined up to $164 for hitting a tree and fire […]
A Few Thoughts on Obama’s Afghanistan Speech
First off let me preface this by saying I didn’t watch President Obama’s speech last night, instead I read the transcript this morning. The first thing about his speech that struck me is no where in it did he mention victory… A fact noted by LA Times blogger Andrew Malcolm: President Obama spoke 4,582 words […]
Breaking: Four Police Officers Shot Near McChord Air Force Base in Parkland, Wash.
Details are still sketchy, but KING TV in Seattle is reporting that four police officers where shot and killed near McChord Air Force Base in Parkland, Washington: Four police officers have been shot and killed near McChord Air Force Base. Pierce County Sheriff’s spokesman Ed Troyer says that the officers were in a coffee shop […]
Breaking: Golfer Tiger Woods Injured in Car Crash
Details about the incident are still sketchy, but he’s probably the best known professional athlete in the world and it’s painfully slow news day: Professional golfer Tiger Woods suffered “serious” injuries during a car crash near his Windermere, Fla., home early this morning, according to the Florida Highway Patrol The 33-year-old Woods was driving a […]
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving everyone… and to every Soldier, Sailor, Airman and Marine: Thank You and God Bless You. George Washington’s First Thanksgiving Proclamation Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; […]
Priceless: Saturday Night Live Mocks Obama’s China Trip
Just how bad have things gotten for President Obama? This bad: Ouch… I wonder how many reporters the Associated Press will devote to fact checking SNL? (H/T: MsUnderestimated via Hot Air’s Headlines)
WSJ: Geithner Under Fire Amid Frustration on Economy
Normally I’d say the calls for Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner’s resignation were just hot air but given the recent disclosures about his role in AIG bailout while President of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, I suspect this is more than just normal political blustering: Snowballing frustration about the economy burst into a political fracas […]
Fred Thompson: The War in Afghanistan Has Been Lost
Oh boy, I wish Fred hadn’t gone here but the said truth is someone had to say it out loud… From the Politico: Former Sen. Fred Thompson today intensified his party’s criticism of President Obama’s long deliberation over policy in Afghanistan, announcing that Obama’s delay signals that “the war has been lost” and that nothing […]