The Washington Post and ABC News are reporting that Speaker Nancy Pelosi was briefed on Enhanced Interrogations Techniques and their use on on Abu Zubaydah. From the Washington Post: Intelligence officials released documents this evening saying that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was briefed in September 2002 about the use of harsh interrogation tactics against […]
Feinstein: Closing the Gun Show “Loophole” Will Reduce Gun Violence is reporting that Reps. Michael Castle (R-Del.) and Carolyn McCarthy, (D-N.Y.) have introduced a bill aimed at closing the so called “gun show loophole”: Democratic lawmakers and one Republican told on Wednesday that the so-called “gun show loophole” — sales between private individuals, which never require a background check — ought to be closed. Republicans, […]
First Nevada, Now Pennsylvania: 7 ACORN Workers Facing Voter-form Charges
Just days after Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto and Secretary of State Ross Miller announced that voter registration fraud charges had been filed against ACORN and two of it’s employees in that state comes news that 7 ACORN works are being charged voter registration fraud in Pennsylvania: PITTSBURGH (AP) – Seven Pittsburgh-area ACORN workers […]
No Criminal Prosecution for ‘Torture Memo’ Authors?
It appears that the Bush Administration lawyers who authored the so called ‘torture memos’ are going to escape prosecution, the Justice Dept. will instead refer them to State Bar Associations for disciplinary action: The Justice Department said it is nearing completion of an internal probe that is expected to recommend professional sanctions but no criminal […]
Pelosi Seeking to Buffer Lawmakers From Federal Investigators
House speaker Nancy Pelosi is apparently working to establish a protocol on how to handle searches and wire taps of congressional offices. She says she doesn’t want to limit law-enforcement wiretaps of congressional offices, just to clarify what are appropriate terms for notifying members about searches and tapped conversations. Huh?!? The Washington Times isn’t cutting […]
Hackers Break Into Virginia Health Professions Database, Demand Ransom
Hackers apparently broke into Virginia’s Health Professions Database last week and stole data on more than 8 million patients and replaced the site’s homepage with ransom note demanding $10 million. Brian Krebs has the details: Hackers last week broke into a Virginia state Web site used by pharmacists to track prescription drug abuse. They deleted […]
Porn Star Stormy Daniels Considering Senate Bid?
The politico is reporting that porn star Stormy Daniels, a Baton Rouge native, is considering a run for the Senate seat currently held by David Vitter: Sure, it may be a publicity stunt – but if so it’s working. Next week, porn star Stormy Daniels launches her “Listening Tour” across Louisiana. The star of such […]
Chris Dodd Likens Bush Administration to Nazis?
Umm, Senator do you really believe that water boarding is the equivalent to the systematic persecution and genocide of roughly 11 million people? You know what… Don’t get mad, get even. (H/T : Melissa Clouthier via Red State.) Related Presidents Don’t Prosecute Their Predecessors, David Shribman, Real Clear Politics Dodd: We prosecuted the Nazis so […]
Arlen Specter: Classless
By know I suspect everyone has seen or at least heard about Arlen Specter’s classless remarks about Jack Kemp on CBS’ Face the Nation… On the off chance you haven’t here’s the video: What a bitter, angry man… I’ve come to expect this kind demagoguery from far left fringe bloggers but Arlen Specter is member […]
Godspeed Jack
Former Congressman Jack Kemp passed away yesterday after a lengthy illness, he was 73. Jack was a tireless optimist and a conservative stalwart who will be dearly missed by all who knew him. Godspeed Jack, rest in peace. Related The Importance of Jack Kemp – American Spectator
Mortgage Cramdown Bill Dies in Senate
Barack Obama’s economic policy suffered a setback yesterday when a bill that would have allowed bankruptcy judges to force lenders to adjust the principal on mortgages failed in the Senate. The bill received 45 votes, 6 short of the 51 needed for passage… A dozen Democrats joined Republicans in opposing it: For the second time […]
Obama’s Tax Cut May Include a Rude Surprise for Some Taxpayers
Millions of taxpayers could be in for a rude surprise next spring thanks to Pres. Obama’s “Making Work Pay” tax credit: WASHINGTON (Map, News) – Millions of Americans enjoying their small windfall from President Barack Obama’s “Making Work Pay” tax credit are in for an unpleasant surprise next spring. The government is going to want […]
Barack Obama On The Deficit: I Didn’t Do It…
Barack Obama’s ‘It wasn’t me’ protestations about the ballooning federal deficit are so patently false even the Associated Press is calling him on it: WASHINGTON (AP) – “That wasn’t me,” President Barack Obama said on his 100th day in office, disclaiming responsibility for the huge budget deficit waiting for him on Day One. It actually […]
Crime Doesn’t Pay: 17 Year Old Girl Beats Muggers
A note to would be criminals… Don’t pick on 17 year old girls or this might happen to you: QUARTZ HILL, Calif. (AP) A 17-year-old high school marching band student beat up two assailants who tried to mug her as she walked to school in this high desert community about 40 miles north of Los […]
Arlen Specter Switching Parties Today
Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter is leaving the Republican Party today and I can’t say I’m sad to see him go… Specter, was one of three Republicans to vote from Pres. Obama’s pork laden stimulus plan and was expected to face a tough primary challenge from Pat Toomey next year. Here’s Specter statement: I have been […]