I’m at a loss for words here… This is simply unbelievable, obscene, insensitive, awful… I don’t know what to call it: Ungrateful Sallie Mae By Kevin Cullen, Boston Globe, December 18, 2008 Ian McVey could have been anything. He chose to be a Marine. It is not a path that most kids from Weston would […]
Just When I Think I’ve Seen and Heard it All
What kind of a parent names their children Adolf Hitler Campbell, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell? Parents like Heath and Deborah Campbell: Holland Township man names son after Adolf Hitler Sunday, December 14, 2008 By DOUGLAS B. BRILL The Express-Times HOLLAND TWP. | In a living room decorated with war books, […]
Microsoft Patches Critical IE Bug
Microsoft has released a special out of cycle update for its Internet Explorer web browser. The update, described in Microsoft’s security bulletin MS08-078, fixes a flaw present in all available versions of the popular browser, including IE5.01, IE6, IE7 and IE8 Beta 2. Computerworld has more on the story here. On a related note Mozilla […]
George W. Bush: “I’ve abandoned free-market principles to save the free market system”
Huh? What? With all due respect Mr. President what you’re doing is akin to using hand grenade to kill and ant. Allahpundit has the video over at Hot Air.
McCain Dodges the Palin Question
Josh Painter over at RedState points out this exchange between George Stephanopoulos and Sen. John McCain on last Sunday’s This Week: Today on ABC’s This Week, when asked by host George Stephanopoulos whether he would support Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin if she runs for president, Sen. John McCain punted: “Oh no. Listen I have the […]
Sarah Palin’s Church Damaged by Suspicious Fire
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s home church was heavily damaged by a suspicious fire Friday night. Damage to the Wasilla Bible Church was estimated at $1 million, authorities said Saturday. No one was injured in the fire, which was set Friday night while a handful of people, including two children, were inside, according to Central Mat-Su […]
Treasury Throws Auto Industry a Life Line???
Damn! What is it with the Bush administration? Senate Republicans rightly stopped the auto industry bail last night and today the Bush Administration decides to use TARP funds to throw a life line to GM and Chrysler. From FoxBusiness: Despite the abrupt death last night of bailout legislation in Congress, it seems the Big Three […]
Call Your Senator…
The House of Representatives passed the auto industry bailout bill 237-170 last night. The Senate will be taking up the bill in the next couple of days. Call your Senator @ 202-224-3121 and urge him to vote no. Ask your friends and family to do the same.
WSJ: Congress Whitewashing Fannie and Freddie
With all the buzz about the Feds corruption probe of Gov. Illinois Rod Blagojevich it’s easy for things like this Wall Street Journal column to be missed. Whitewashing Fannie Mae Congress begins its self-absolution campaign. Henry Waxman’s House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform met Tuesday to examine “The Role of Fannie Mae and Freddie […]
Mitch McConnell: No
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has broken with the White House and come out against the auto industry bailout in a Senate floor speech: “These are turbulent times for the U.S. economy. Over the past several months, Americans have seen giant companies fail, significant job losses, and, after unprecedented problems in the credit markets, the […]
Will The Auto Industry Bailout Work?
I’ve been so focused on finishing up the projects I’m working before the holidays I’ve only been half attention to the news recently. I completely missed Holman W. Jenkins Jr. latest Wall Street Journal column: The Bailout That Won’t Would you buy a car from Congress? By Holman W. Jenkins Jr., Wall Street Journal, December […]
Site Updates
I just finished some behind the scenes upgrades to the blog. The changes include separating trackbacks from comments and adding threaded comments. Let me know if you run into any glitches.
AP: Bad Economy Helping Internet Scammers Recruit ‘Mules’
From the Associated Press via Examiner.com: Bad economy helping Web scammers recruit ‘mules’ By Jordan Robertson, The Associated Press, December 9, 2008 SAN JOSE, Calif. – The worsening economy appears to be helping computer crooks with one of their toughest tasks: tricking people into opening their homes and bank accounts and becoming “mules” for laundering […]
My Give a Damn’s Busted
I haven’t been blogging much recently I’ve tied up a couple of projects that have to be finished before the end of the year, and frankly I’m so disgusted, disappointed and disillusioned with the behavior of our elected leaders my give a damn’s busted. It doesn’t matter what we think, they’re just going to keep […]
Lest We Forget: 67 Years Ago Today
It was a peaceful Sunday morning 67 years ago today that the United States Naval Base at Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Empire of Japan. The attack killed approximately 3,000 military personal and civilians and wounded approximately 1,300. Something you may not know the first shot in anger that morning was not fired by […]