Huh? What? With all due respect Mr. President what you’re doing is akin to using hand grenade to kill and ant. Allahpundit has the video over at Hot Air.
Call Your Senator…
The House of Representatives passed the auto industry bailout bill 237-170 last night. The Senate will be taking up the bill in the next couple of days. Call your Senator @ 202-224-3121 and urge him to vote no. Ask your friends and family to do the same.
WSJ: Congress Whitewashing Fannie and Freddie
With all the buzz about the Feds corruption probe of Gov. Illinois Rod Blagojevich it’s easy for things like this Wall Street Journal column to be missed. Whitewashing Fannie Mae Congress begins its self-absolution campaign. Henry Waxman’s House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform met Tuesday to examine “The Role of Fannie Mae and Freddie […]
My Give a Damn’s Busted
I haven’t been blogging much recently I’ve tied up a couple of projects that have to be finished before the end of the year, and frankly I’m so disgusted, disappointed and disillusioned with the behavior of our elected leaders my give a damn’s busted. It doesn’t matter what we think, they’re just going to keep […]
Common Sense: Fred Thompson on the Economy
Fred Thompson delivers dose of common sense on the economy and our government’s “spend yourself to prosperity plan”.
The $25 Billion Question
Holman W. Jenkins Jr. has an excellent Op Ed piece in today’s Wall Street Journal. Mr. Jenkins ask the one question that no one Congress dares ask… Why is it Ford and GM can build viable auto businesses all over the world but not in North America? A Car Wreck Made in Washington Can Democrats […]
Creeping Socialism: Bush Defends Citigroup Bailout
I’m at a loss for words here… From the AP via Michelle Malkin: President Bush argued Monday that the government’s dramatic rescue of Citigroup was necessary to “safeguard the financial system” and help the economy recover, and he said there could be more such moves if other institutions need help. Bush said he approved the […]
Here We Go Again: Feds Agree to Citibank Bailout
From the Wall Street Journal: The federal government agreed Sunday to take unprecedented steps to stabilize Citigroup by moving to guarantee close to $300 billion in troubled assets weighing on the bank’s books. Treasury has agreed to inject an additional $20 billion in capital into Citigroup under terms of the deal hashed out between the […]
Newt: Let’s Have a Real Middle-Class Tax Cut
I’ve been a little out of pocket over the last couple of days so guess you could say I’m playing a bit of catchup with this post. I suspect most of you read Newt Gingrich’s Wall Street Journal Op Ed on middle class tax cuts: Let’s Have a Real Middle-Class Tax Cut Obama’s tax credits […] Union Workers at Big Three Automakers Average $73 an Hour
The headline may be a little misleading but the article is worth reading: Union Workers at Big Three Automakers Average $73 an Hour By Pete Winn, Senior Writer/Editor,, Tuesday, November 18, 2008 Economists in Michigan, the long-time home of the auto industry, say they don’t support the proposed multi-billion dollar bailout of Big Three […]
Wall Street Journal: Why Bankruptcy Is the Best Option for GM
Today’s Wall Street Journal has a must read Op Ed column by Michael Levine. Levine examines the problems faced by GM and explains why seeking chapter 11 bankruptcy protection may GM’s best chance for survival. Why Bankruptcy Is the Best Option for GM Chapter 11 would better preserve the valuable parts of the company than […]
Wall Street Journal: Just Say No to Detroit
There’s an interesting essay by New York University finance professor David Yermack in today’s Wall Street Journal. Just Say No to Detroit Given the abysmal performance by Detroit’s Big Three, it would be better to send each employee a check than to waste it on a bailout, says David Yermack. Before Michael Moore became famous […]
Video: Congressman Jim Moran Talks About Redistributionism
This should scare the hell out of anyone who works for a living: We have been guided by a Republican administration who believes in the simplistic notion that people who have wealth are entitled to keep it and they have an antipathy towards redistributing wealth and they may be able to sustain it for a […]
Audio: Barack Obama’s Cap & Trade Policy is So Aggressive It Will Bankrupt Coal Fired Plants
If Barack Obama’s remarks wealth redistribution didn’t scare you his remarks on energy policy should… In a January 2008 interview with the San Francisco Chronicle Sen. Obama said that he would impose a Cap & Trade system aggressive that it would bankrupt anyone trying to build a new coal powered plant. This really just the […]
Fred Smith: Washington Is the Problem
There’s a great interview with FedEX CEO Fred Smith in today’s Wall Street Journal. The interview covers a lot of ground, the economy, taxes, free trade and even John McCain… It’s well worth reading. Fred Smith is in an agitated state. He’s just returned from a Washington Redskins game — played in FedEx field in […]