MSNBC has indefinitely suspended host Keith Olbermann for making political contributions to three Democratic candidates this fall, including one on the same day he appeared on Mr. Olbermann's Countdown program. Mr. Olberman reportedly donated … [Continue reading] about Keith Olbermann Suspended… Indefinitely… Without Pay
Priceless: AARP Hikes Employees Insurance Costs; Cites Health Care Reform as Cause
Remember when the AARP jumped on the Obamacare bandwagon? Well it's time for them to pay the piper... The seniors' lobby has sent an e-mail to its employees explaining their insurance costs will rise partly as a result of the law they … [Continue reading] about Priceless: AARP Hikes Employees Insurance Costs; Cites Health Care Reform as Cause
WTF?!? Bag of Uncounted Ballots Found in Bridgeport
Tight races aren't all that unusual in Connecticut, but a bag uncounted ballets suddenly appearing in Bridgeport during a hotly contested governors race is little unusually: In what has become one of the stranger twists in an already bizarre … [Continue reading] about WTF?!? Bag of Uncounted Ballots Found in Bridgeport
Nanny State Madness: San Francisco Bans Happy Meals
The San Francisco board of supervisors has voted by a veto proof 8-3 margin to forbid restaurants from giving away toys with meals that have high levels of calories, sugar and fat -- they've effectively banned the Happy Meal... Those bastards! Fast … [Continue reading] about Nanny State Madness: San Francisco Bans Happy Meals
2012 Republican Presidential Primary Straw Poll
It's time for round two of our 2012 Republican Presidential Primary Straw Poll. The candidates are (in not particular order): Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, Haley Barbour, Tim Pawlenty, Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, John Thune, Mitch Daniels, Bobby … [Continue reading] about 2012 Republican Presidential Primary Straw Poll
2010 Election Wrap-up
Well now that the dust has settled a little I thought I'd wade in with my thoughts on the outcome of Tuesday's election. First overall it was good night for Republicans, they picked up 60 seats in the House of Representatives, 6 in the Senate, 6 … [Continue reading] about 2010 Election Wrap-up
It’s Election Day… Get Out and Vote!

This is one of most important elections in American History, it is not as John Podhoretz claims a referendum on Barack Obama and his party. This election is a referendum on the government itself... Voters essentially fired Republicans in 2006 and … [Continue reading] about It’s Election Day… Get Out and Vote!
Happy Halloween
I guess this where I post obligatory cheesy scary video. Remember: Zombies aren't your friend... Aim for the head! Well that, and don't drink a fifth of Jack while carving your Jack-o'-lantern. Happy Halloween everyone, stay safe and good … [Continue reading] about Happy Halloween
WTF? Candidate Files Criminal Complaint Over Firm Handshake
Just when I think things can't stranger a story like this comes along: A firm handshake is usually seen as a good thing in business and even in politics. Not so much in South Florida. A candidate for the Broward County School Board wants the … [Continue reading] about WTF? Candidate Files Criminal Complaint Over Firm Handshake
Ouch: Third Quarter GDP Just 2.0%
If Democrats were hoping for good news on the economy leading into Tuesday's elections they didn't get. Third GDP came in at an anemic 2.0%: The U.S. economy grew at a 2 percent annual rate in the third quarter as consumer spending climbed the most … [Continue reading] about Ouch: Third Quarter GDP Just 2.0%
Gawker Smear Machine Units Blogosphere Behind Christine O’Donnell
I've long maintained that politics is a business of bastards... For all intents and purposes it's steel cage death match with no referee, so it's rare when someone does something so despicable -- so sleazy that it unites virtually the entire … [Continue reading] about Gawker Smear Machine Units Blogosphere Behind Christine O’Donnell
Daily Telegraph: Karl Rove Questions Sarah Palin’s Suitability for President
Mark Levin mentioned this Daily Telegraph piece on his show last light night... I'm sure Mr. Rove will claim he was just being and honest and impartial commentator, but after his criticism of Christine O’Donnell following her primary win and knocking … [Continue reading] about Daily Telegraph: Karl Rove Questions Sarah Palin’s Suitability for President
Hey Big Spender: Pelosi Led Congress Has Added $5 Trillion to Debt Since 2007
From When Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) gave her inaugural address as speaker of the House in 2007, she vowed there would be “no new deficit spending.” Since that day, the national debt has increased by $5 trillion, according to the U.S. … [Continue reading] about Hey Big Spender: Pelosi Led Congress Has Added $5 Trillion to Debt Since 2007
NPR Fires Juan Williams; Shoots Self in Foot
NPR's decision to fire Juan Williams for remarks he made during an appearance on "The O’Reilly Factor" Monday night has generated a considerable amount of media attention over the last of couple days. Mr. Williams's crime was apparently speaking … [Continue reading] about NPR Fires Juan Williams; Shoots Self in Foot
In Search Of… Their Creator
CNSNews is reporting this morning that "For the second time in little over a month, President Barack Obama stripped the word "Creator" from the Declaration of Independence when giving a speech." There's just one minor problem here, this isn't … [Continue reading] about In Search Of… Their Creator