From It's official: The Obama administration has now borrowed $3 trillion, according to the U.S. Treasury Department. It took from 1776, when the United States became an independent country, until 1990, the year after the Berlin … [Continue reading] about Big Spender: Obama Has Now Borrowed $3 Trillion
Health Care Reform Bending the Cost Curve Upward in Connecticut
I suppose this is one of times were I could say I told you so, but I won't. Throughout the debate on health care reform President Obama and Congressional Democrats lectured us about how passing their health care reforms would bend the cost curve … [Continue reading] about Health Care Reform Bending the Cost Curve Upward in Connecticut
Rasmussen: Blumenthal’s Lead Over McMahon Down to Five
The news media here in Connecticut has been hyping a Quinnipiac poll that shows current Attorney General Richard Blumenthal now has double digital lead in his in Senate race with former WWE CEO Linda McMahon... Don't despair! Rasmussen Reports has a … [Continue reading] about Rasmussen: Blumenthal’s Lead Over McMahon Down to Five
Video: The Truth About Our Jobs Crisis
The folks over at Bankrupting America have produced a video and infographic that really puts our current jobs crisis in perspective: I really can't add anything here other than pointing you to a rather chilling analysis from Investor's Business … [Continue reading] about Video: The Truth About Our Jobs Crisis
Happy Birthday Navy!
From Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff: Two hundred and thirty five years ago, Continental Congress passed legislation to fit out “two swift sailing vessels” with ten guns and eighty crewmen creating the humble beginnings to … [Continue reading] about Happy Birthday Navy!
WSJ: Democrats Unleash the IRS and Justice Department on Donors to Their Political Opponents
Democrats and Liberal activists love to accuse Republicans of being fascists or Nazis or using McCarthyite rhetoric while at the same time threatening their political opponents with IRS and Justice Department investigations: If at first you don't … [Continue reading] about WSJ: Democrats Unleash the IRS and Justice Department on Donors to Their Political Opponents
Breaking: National Security Advisor Jim Jones to Resign
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that President Obama's National Security Advisor Jim Jones is resigning. He is expected to be replaced by Tom Donilon, the deputy national-security adviser. It's not uncommon for advisers or cabinet members to … [Continue reading] about Breaking: National Security Advisor Jim Jones to Resign
U.S. Economy Loses 95,000 Jobs in September, Unemployment Remains at 9.6%
Stagnation... That's really the only way to describe today's jobs report. The U.S. economy shed 95,000 more jobs last month and the number of underemployed grew by 612,000, and now stands at 9.5 million people: WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — The U.S. … [Continue reading] about U.S. Economy Loses 95,000 Jobs in September, Unemployment Remains at 9.6%
It’s the Spending, Stupid

If a picture really is worth a thousand words... Then this chart from the Heritage Foundation says it all: Bottom line; we're not under taxed... The government spends to much! H/T: James Pethokoukis. … [Continue reading] about It’s the Spending, Stupid
WSJ: All About Murkowski
The Wall Street Journal this morning takes incumbent Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski to task for her half baked, revenge motivated write in campaign: While 2010 is shaping up as the year of the conviction politician, the election is also throwing up … [Continue reading] about WSJ: All About Murkowski
Whoa: Obama Underwater in Delaware
Hmm... I just saw this over at Ace's place: The Democratic polling firm PPP has released the results of a new survey showing pro-abortion President Barack Obama fares worse in terms of his approval rating in key presidential states than he did in … [Continue reading] about Whoa: Obama Underwater in Delaware
Karl Rove: O’Donnell Must Explain Witchcraft Comments
This is priceless... Karl Rove on Sunday called on Delaware GOP senate candidate Christine O'Donnell to explain comments on witchcraft she made during a guest appearance on Politically Incorrect 11 years ago: Karl Rove – the top GOP strategist who … [Continue reading] about Karl Rove: O’Donnell Must Explain Witchcraft Comments
This & That: It’s the Spending, Stupid; Why It’s Time for the Tea Party; Bush Tax Cuts Benefited Taxpayers at Every Level; and More…
I've been pretty remiss about writing lately, I've just had too much on my plate and I haven't felt like I've had much to contribute... Anyway, here's a few must reads from the week that was... The Wall Street Journal last week published two … [Continue reading] about This & That: It’s the Spending, Stupid; Why It’s Time for the Tea Party; Bush Tax Cuts Benefited Taxpayers at Every Level; and More…
Nine Years Later…
Every of September for the last nine years I've tried to make sense of what happened that morning... No matter how hard I try, I can't, the events of September 11, 2001 were an act of such incomprehensible evil that they defy words. Every moment … [Continue reading] about Nine Years Later…
Video: Can 8-28 rally-goers match spending facts with the right president?
The gang over at Bankrupting America took their camera's to the Restoring Honor rally in D.C. today to test the attendees government spending IQ... The result are interesting. Before watching the video see if you can answer the following … [Continue reading] about Video: Can 8-28 rally-goers match spending facts with the right president?