In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to … [Continue reading] about Independence Day: Happy 234th America!
Weekly Initial Jobless Claims Rise… Unexpectedly… Yet Again…
This is getting silly, it seems like every time new jobless claims rise the media uses words like "unexpected' or "surprising" to describe the news... There's nothing surprising or unexpected about this week's jobless report, not after reports on … [Continue reading] about Weekly Initial Jobless Claims Rise… Unexpectedly… Yet Again…
Robert Byrd, Longest-Serving U.S. Senator, Dies at 92
West Virginia Senator Robert Byrd passed away early this morning at Inova Hospital in Fairfax, Va. He was 92. Robert Byrd, the 92-year-old West Virginia Democrat who served in the U.S. Senate for 51 years, died Monday. A family spokesman said … [Continue reading] about Robert Byrd, Longest-Serving U.S. Senator, Dies at 92
Stuck on Stupid: Dem County Supervisor Says Arizona’s Not a Border State
I'm almost at a loss for words here. I've heard all sorts of dumb things come out of the mouths of politicians, but Peggy West, a Democrat member of the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors is in a league of her own... During a debate on a measure … [Continue reading] about Stuck on Stupid: Dem County Supervisor Says Arizona’s Not a Border State
McChrystal Relieved; Petraeus to Replace
President Barack Obama has accepted the resignation of General Stanley McChrystal, the commander of the International Security and Assistance Force in Afghanistan, he will be replaced by General David Petraeus: President Barack Obama accepted the … [Continue reading] about McChrystal Relieved; Petraeus to Replace
Thoughts on the McChrystal Controversy
The whole world is buzzing about the controversial Rolling Stone profile of International Security Assistance Force commander General Stanley McChrystal. To be honest I'm kind of torn here, the whole Rolling Stone piece is a bit of a hatchet job... … [Continue reading] about Thoughts on the McChrystal Controversy
Breaking: Judge Rules Against Obama Administration on Gulf Drilling Moratorium
A federal judge in New Orleans has lifted the Obama Administration's six month moratorium on offshore oil drilling. U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman said in his ruling that the Interior Department failed to provide adequate reasoning for the … [Continue reading] about Breaking: Judge Rules Against Obama Administration on Gulf Drilling Moratorium
Rahm Emanuel On The Way Out?
I'm a little skeptical about this report from the London Telegraph claiming President Obama's powerful Chief or staff Rahm Emanuel is planning to resign later this year, but it's making the round so here's my two cents. Rahm Emanuel, the White House … [Continue reading] about Rahm Emanuel On The Way Out?
Jon Kyl: President Obama Told Me Government Won’t Secure Border Until Congress Agrees to Amnesty
I wish I could say I'm shocked or even surprised by the revelation made by Senator Jon Kyl (R-AZ) at a town hall meeting in Arizona last Friday, but I'm not... The Federal Government has been turning a blind eye to the problems along our southern … [Continue reading] about Jon Kyl: President Obama Told Me Government Won’t Secure Border Until Congress Agrees to Amnesty
Congratulations 2010 U.S. Open Champion Graeme McDowell
Graeme McDowell of Northern Ireland shot a 3-over par 74 at Pebble Beach on Sunday to win the 11oth U.S. Open, Mr. McDowell held off France's Gregory Havret to finish at even-par 284 for the tournament. Mr. McDowell's one shot victory makes him … [Continue reading] about Congratulations 2010 U.S. Open Champion Graeme McDowell
Stuck on Stupid: Rhode Island School Bans Hat Because of Toy Soldiers
I'm not fan of so called "zero tolerance" policies for the simple reason zero tolerance usually means zero common sense. Take the case of 8 year old David Morales who was given an assignment a to make a hat for a project at the Tiogue School in … [Continue reading] about Stuck on Stupid: Rhode Island School Bans Hat Because of Toy Soldiers
No, I’m Not Dead…
I've just been swamped and haven't had the time or the desire to write... and I'm recovering from surgery at the moment. I swear the next person who tells me how awful our health care system is is going to get slapped... Like most people I try to … [Continue reading] about No, I’m Not Dead…
Lest We Forget – Memorial Day 2010

This is the my second Memorial Day without my father, he passed away last year just a few days shy of 87th birthday. He was a veteran of the Second World War, having served in Europe with 709th Military Police Battalion and the 351st Engineer … [Continue reading] about Lest We Forget – Memorial Day 2010
The Stupidest Law Ever Proposed
I've seen a lot of dumb ideas put forth by politicians on both sides of the isle, but a bill introduced in the New York State legislature by Assemblymen Annette Robinson (D-Bedford Stuyvesant) and Darryl Towns (D-East New York) is probably the … [Continue reading] about The Stupidest Law Ever Proposed
Mojave Cross Replaced… Then Removed
Sometime late Wednesday night or early Thursday morning someone erected a replacement for the "Mojave Cross" which was torn down and stolen by vandals a week ago. The replacement cross was promptly removed by the park service: The Mojave Cross saga … [Continue reading] about Mojave Cross Replaced… Then Removed