The latest Rasmussen Reports survey of likely voters in Connecticut shows Attorney General Richard Blumenthal's lead over potential Republican challengers has shrunk significantly following yesterdays revelations he exaggerated his military … [Continue reading] about Poll: Blumenthal Loses Ground, Leads McMahon By Just Three Points
Rep. Mark Souder Resigns After Affair With Staffer
I should have mentioned this yesterday, but the Blumenthal and Bysiewicz stories put it on the back burner... Eight term Indian Congressman Mark Souder resigned yesterday after admitting to an affair with a female aide who worked in his district … [Continue reading] about Rep. Mark Souder Resigns After Affair With Staffer
Breaking: Connecticut Supreme Court Rules Bysiewicz Not Eligible To Run For AG
The Connecticut Supreme Court today overturned a lower court ruling that would have allowed Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz to run for attorney general. The court's 7-0 decision found that Bysiewicz's duties as secretary of the state did … [Continue reading] about Breaking: Connecticut Supreme Court Rules Bysiewicz Not Eligible To Run For AG
NYT: Blumenthal Lied About Vietnam Service
The New York Times is raising questions about Senate candidate and current Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal's claims he served in Vietnam: At a ceremony honoring veterans and senior citizens who sent presents to soldiers overseas, … [Continue reading] about NYT: Blumenthal Lied About Vietnam Service
Mojave Cross Torn Down and Stolen by Vandals
The Mojave Cross, a memorial to World War I veterans, which has stood in various forms for more than 75 years was torn down and stolen by vandals sometime late Sunday or early Monday morning: The 7-foot-tall metal cross in a 75-year-old war memorial … [Continue reading] about Mojave Cross Torn Down and Stolen by Vandals
Palin E-mail Hacker Convicted on Two Counts
A federal jury in Knoxville, Tennessee convicted David Kernell, the 22 year old son of Democratic State Representative, on two of four counts related to the intrusion into former Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin's personal Yahoo! … [Continue reading] about Palin E-mail Hacker Convicted on Two Counts
Congratulations to Phil Mickelson

Wow, what a weekend! I can't think of better or more fitting ending to the years first major than Phil Mickelson's emotional embrace of his wife Amy after winning his third Masters title: AUGUSTA, Ga. – Even sweeter than Phil Mickelson slipping … [Continue reading] about Congratulations to Phil Mickelson
News of the Rebellion: Tax Day Tea Parties in Connecticut
"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and the Republic for which it stands. Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world." - Daniel Webster Mark your calendars for … [Continue reading] about News of the Rebellion: Tax Day Tea Parties in Connecticut
Frank LoBiondo: Constitutionally Clueless
A few weeks ago I criticized House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers (D-MI) for his apparent lack of an even basic understanding of the Constitution, this week it's Representative Frank LoBiondo of New Jersey's turn. Rep. LoBiondo, a … [Continue reading] about Frank LoBiondo: Constitutionally Clueless
John Conyers: Idiot
Every member of Congress swears an oath to defend the United States Constitution "... against all enemies, foreign and domestic ..." It's kind of hard to do that if like House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers (D-Mich.) you don't know what … [Continue reading] about John Conyers: Idiot
Fox News: Majority Thinks Obama Better at Campaigning Than Governing
I didn't need a poll to tell me this, but here it is anyway: The consensus among American voters is Barack Obama is better at campaigning for the job than at doing the job, according to a Fox News poll released Thursday. In addition, half of … [Continue reading] about Fox News: Majority Thinks Obama Better at Campaigning Than Governing
CBSNews: What the (bleep)? Calif. Tackles Cussing
I should have posted this yesterday but other more important stories had to take precedence... Anyway, you have to had to California's legislature, the state is effectively bankrupt and this is the kind of crap they're wasting time and taxpayers … [Continue reading] about CBSNews: What the (bleep)? Calif. Tackles Cussing
Train Wreck: Only 10% of Voters Say Congress is doing a Good Job
Ouch, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have lead Congress to a new high... in lows: Voter unhappiness with Congress has reached the highest level ever recorded by Rasmussen Reports as 71% now say the legislature is doing a poor job. That’s up ten … [Continue reading] about Train Wreck: Only 10% of Voters Say Congress is doing a Good Job
Initial Jobless Claims Rise… Unexpectedly… Again
Here we go again, another week and another, um, "unexpected" rise in initial jobless claims: The number of new claims for unemployment benefits jumped unexpectedly last week as heavy snows caused layoffs to rise. In addition, many state agencies … [Continue reading] about Initial Jobless Claims Rise… Unexpectedly… Again
Obama Administration to Britain: Drop Dead
I'll say this much for the Obama Administration: They're consistent. From the get go they've made it clear that longstanding American allies can expected to be taken for granted, insulted and, if convenient, dumped in favor of appeasement. … [Continue reading] about Obama Administration to Britain: Drop Dead