From Time: A nine-year-old girl accidentally shot and killed a shooting range instructor in Arizona, police say. Charles Vacca, 39, was instructing the girl on how to use an automatic Uzi on Monday when the girl, who was accompanied by her … [Continue reading] about 9-Year-Old Girl Accidentally Kills Shooting Range Instructor
Self-Defense Tip: Don’t Try to Rob a Gas Station Staffed By a 5-time MMA Champion
It's tough being a criminal, especially when like this team of would-be thieves in Houston, Texas, you pick the wrong target. It turns out the clerk at this gas station, Mayura Dissanyake, is not just a convenience store clerk — he's also an … [Continue reading] about Self-Defense Tip: Don’t Try to Rob a Gas Station Staffed By a 5-time MMA Champion
Federal District Court Strikes Down Nation’s Last Explicit Ban on Carrying a Gun in Public
Roughly a year after the Supreme Court's decision in Dist. of Columbia v. Heller ended Washington D.C.'s defacto gun ban in 2008, Tom Palmer, George Lyon, Ed Raymond & Amy McVey filed a lawsuit along with the Second Amendment Foundation in U.S. … [Continue reading] about Federal District Court Strikes Down Nation’s Last Explicit Ban on Carrying a Gun in Public
Poll: 67% say America is more divided than 4 years ago
From Rasmussen Reports: Voters strongly believe the United States is a more divided nation these days, and they think both sides are to blame. Most are also ready to do something about it at the ballot box in November. Sixty-seven percent (67%) … [Continue reading] about Poll: 67% say America is more divided than 4 years ago
Independence Day 2014: Happy 238th America!
In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to … [Continue reading] about Independence Day 2014: Happy 238th America!
U.S. Charges Five Chinese Army Officers With Hacking
From the Wall Street Journal: The Justice Department indicted five Chinese military officers, alleging they hacked U.S. companies' computers to steal trade secrets, a major escalation in the fight between the two superpowers over economic … [Continue reading] about U.S. Charges Five Chinese Army Officers With Hacking
CNN Cancels Piers Morgan’s Shambolic Show
By now most of you have probably heard the news, CNN is pulling the plug on "Piers Morgan Live". I'd love to be the better man and say it was fun while it lasted and wish Mr. Morgan luck in the future. But I can't, it wasn't fun, it wasn't … [Continue reading] about CNN Cancels Piers Morgan’s Shambolic Show
At Least the Commercials Didn’t Suck
About the nicest thing I can say about Super Bowl XLVIII is at least the commercials didn't suck. The game was awful, an Al Gore speech marathon would have been more entertaining. It was the most lopsided drubbing I think I ever seen. It was ugly. … [Continue reading] about At Least the Commercials Didn’t Suck
Florida “Warning Shot” Bill Violates The Basic Rules of Firearm Safety… And Physics
I've seen politicians propose all sorts of well-intentioned but ill-conceived legislation. Florida’s CS/HB 89 "Threatened Use of Force" bill is a prime example: The Florida legislature is considering expanding the state’s “stand your ground” law to … [Continue reading] about Florida “Warning Shot” Bill Violates The Basic Rules of Firearm Safety… And Physics
Alan Grayson: Toxic Idiot

I haven't been paying close attention to politics recently so I was a little surprised when an old post about Florida Congressman Alan Grayson started receiving a lot views recently. It got me wondering what he'd done now... What he's done is … [Continue reading] about Alan Grayson: Toxic Idiot
Video: 50 Years Ago Democrats Believed in Tax Cuts
One things for sure, today's Democrats are not your fathers or grandfathers Democrats... I can't imaging any of them arguing for tax cuts the way John F. Kennedy does during this interview with David Brinkley and Chet Huntley 50 … [Continue reading] about Video: 50 Years Ago Democrats Believed in Tax Cuts
Vindicated: Sarah Palin Was Right About ‘Death Panels’
Remember when Democrats mercilessly mocked Sarah Palin's comments about 'Death Panels'? Turns out she was right, at least according to Howard Dean and the more than 20 Democrats who have signed on to bills repealing the powers of the Independent … [Continue reading] about Vindicated: Sarah Palin Was Right About ‘Death Panels’
Saturday Serenade: Aaron Lewis – Granddaddy’s Gun
This is one of those songs says more in four and half minutes than a 10,000 word editorial ever could; you either get it or you don't... and if you don't, I feel sorry for you. … [Continue reading] about Saturday Serenade: Aaron Lewis – Granddaddy’s Gun
Random Thoughts: Guns Edition
I've been enjoying something of an extended hiatus from blogging. It's not that I've lost interest it's just that thanks to the policy decisions made by the nit wits in Hartford and Washington D.C. I'm working longer hours for less money and that … [Continue reading] about Random Thoughts: Guns Edition
Video Flashback: President Reagan’s Address to the Nation on Independence Day – 7/4/86 Video courtesy of the Reagan Foundation. … [Continue reading] about Video Flashback: President Reagan’s Address to the Nation on Independence Day – 7/4/86