Democrats on the Senate Finance Committee have refused to publish the final text of their health care reform bill online prior to voting on it. They claim the language is too technically difficult for ordinary people to understand, and that releasing … [Continue reading] about Keeping We the People in the Dark
Video: Rush Limbuagh Runs Over Al Gore… Twice…
I missed Rush Limbaugh's appearance on the Jay Leno show last night... I'm sorry I did: Part 1: Part 2: And the highlight of the show... Rush running over Al Gore (and Ed Begley Jr.)... twice... … [Continue reading] about Video: Rush Limbuagh Runs Over Al Gore… Twice…
Flout the Individual Mandate Penalty and Go to Jail?
I wonder if President Obama still thinks the Individual Mandate provisions of the Health Care Reform bill aren't a tax: Americans who fail to pay the penalty for not buying insurance would face legal action from the Internal Revenue Service, … [Continue reading] about Flout the Individual Mandate Penalty and Go to Jail?
U.S., France, Germany and Others Walk Out During Ahmadinejad’s Israel-bashing UN Speech
It's time for me to eat a little crow – feathers and all – here... I didn't think the U.S. delegation would walk out during Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's address to the United Nations General Assembly this evening. But they did... along … [Continue reading] about U.S., France, Germany and Others Walk Out During Ahmadinejad’s Israel-bashing UN Speech
Will the U.S. Join Canada and Germany in Ahmadinejad Walkout?
Canada and Germany have apparently head enough of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Holocaust-denying rants and virulent anti-Semitism. The Canadian government is planning to protest his presence at the UN today by having their entire … [Continue reading] about Will the U.S. Join Canada and Germany in Ahmadinejad Walkout?
Ouch: New York Gov. Paterson Blasts Pres. Obama
The feud between New York Governor David Paterson and the White House took a turn for the worse today with Gov. Patterson essentially telling reporters at Columbia University that Obama's just cranky because he hasn't accomplished jack (emphasis … [Continue reading] about Ouch: New York Gov. Paterson Blasts Pres. Obama
Train Wreck: CBO Predicts Social Security Cash Deficits in 2010-11
Ed Morrissey has obtained a copy the summer 2009 Congressional Budget Office report on the health of the Social Security "Trust Fund"... The news isn't good, actually it's pretty frightening: Four years ago, George W. Bush attempted to reform the … [Continue reading] about Train Wreck: CBO Predicts Social Security Cash Deficits in 2010-11
Yes, Mr. President the Individual Mandate Is A Tax
I don't know about you, but I didn't watch Pres. Obama 's Sunday Talk show orgy... I've skimmed through the transcripts and frankly I don't think I missed much. He really didn't say anything new, he simply repeated the same arguments he's been making … [Continue reading] about Yes, Mr. President the Individual Mandate Is A Tax
Seven Former CIA Directors Ask Pres. Obama to End Criminal Investigation of CIA Interrogators
Seven former directors of the Central Intelligence Agency sent a letter to Pres. Obama on Friday asking him to reverse Attorney General Eric Holder's decision to re-open a criminal investigation of CIA interrogations that took place following … [Continue reading] about Seven Former CIA Directors Ask Pres. Obama to End Criminal Investigation of CIA Interrogators
The Obligatory Jimmy Carter is a Tool Post
I wasn’t going to comment on Jimmy Carter’s asinine remarks on race because frankly they don’t deserve comment. But after America’s crazy aunt, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi mumbled something about political violence in her weekly press briefing I … [Continue reading] about The Obligatory Jimmy Carter is a Tool Post
The Tax Man Cometh: Senate Health Reform Bill Includes Many Tax Hikes
The folks at Americans for Tax Reform have examined the Senate Finance Committee health care reform bill announced today and come up with a list of all the tax hikes in the bill: Individual Mandate Tax. If you don’t sign up for health insurance, … [Continue reading] about The Tax Man Cometh: Senate Health Reform Bill Includes Many Tax Hikes
Washington Times: ACORN Says Workers Conduct ‘Indefensible’
The Washington Times is reporting that ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, is suspending advising new clients as part of its service programs and is setting up an independent review to investigate what happened: ACORN, … [Continue reading] about Washington Times: ACORN Says Workers Conduct ‘Indefensible’
Turkey Vulture

I've seen all kinds of critters in my backyard over the years but this is the first time I've ever seen what looks to be a Turkey Vulture: … [Continue reading] about Turkey Vulture
Breaking: New York Residences Raided in Terrorism Probe
Not a lot of details yet but the Associated Press is reporting that law enforcement agents have conducted raids related to a terrorism investigation in New York City: Law enforcement agents raided residences in New York City on Monday as part of a … [Continue reading] about Breaking: New York Residences Raided in Terrorism Probe
The Inevitable “Kanye West Is A Tool” Post
Let's not mince words here Kayne West is a first class Alfa Hotel: Leave it to Kanye West to produce one of the most infamous moments in VMAs history before the 2009 show was even an hour old. It happened after Taylor Swift’s victory in the Best … [Continue reading] about The Inevitable “Kanye West Is A Tool” Post