In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to … [Continue reading] about Independence Day 2013: Happy 237th America!
Ms. Magazine Pulls Plug on ‘My Month with A Gun’ Blog
Ms. Magazine editor Michele Kort has apparently decided to pull the plug on Heidi Yewman's three part ‘My Month with A Gun’ blog because "gun blogs" had discovered series and were highly critical of Ms. Yewman's actions: “So, Heidi,” began the email … [Continue reading] about Ms. Magazine Pulls Plug on ‘My Month with A Gun’ Blog
Ms. Magazine Mocks Gun Owners with ‘My Month with A Gun’ Blog
I've been enjoying a blogging hiatus, but when I spotted this link to Heidi Yewman's Ms. Magazine Blog series titled 'My Month with A Gun', I decided to interrupt my hiatus and weigh in with my two cents. Ms. Yewman is a career anti-gun activist, … [Continue reading] about Ms. Magazine Mocks Gun Owners with ‘My Month with A Gun’ Blog
Gun Dealer’s License Revocation Unrelated to Newtown Shootings
I'm sure you've seen news reports over the last few days saying the license of the gun shop were Sandy Hook gunman Adam Lanza's mother Nancy bought two of the guns found at Sandy Hook Elementary School after the massacre. While it's true that … [Continue reading] about Gun Dealer’s License Revocation Unrelated to Newtown Shootings
Video: Sarah Palin’s Speech at CPAC 2013
In case you missed it here's Sarah Palin's speech at CPAC... complete with an impromptu introduction by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX): Ted Cruz is right... she drives the mainstream media "Bat-crap crazy". … [Continue reading] about Video: Sarah Palin’s Speech at CPAC 2013
Video: Senator Rand Paul’s Speech at CPAC ‘The GOP of Old Has Grown Stale and Moss-Covered’
Senator Rand Paul delivered a rousing speech at yesterday, here the video in case you missed it: More videos from CPAC 2013 can seen here. … [Continue reading] about Video: Senator Rand Paul’s Speech at CPAC ‘The GOP of Old Has Grown Stale and Moss-Covered’
National Labor Relations Board to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals: Screw you!
From the Wall Street Journal: President Obama's second term could really be something. In the latest disdain for the Constitution's checks and balances, the National Labor Relations Board has declared that it doesn't like the D.C. Circuit Court of … [Continue reading] about National Labor Relations Board to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals: Screw you!
Saturday Serenade: Justin Moore – This Is NRA Country
Saturday, January 19, 2013 is the first National Gun Appreciation day... I've been a shooter for most of my adult life, I've never been NRA member though. At least not until about week ago. This is NRA Country... A … [Continue reading] about Saturday Serenade: Justin Moore – This Is NRA Country
Stuck on Stupid: Belleville Cops Booted From Denny’s For… Carrying Their Guns
Just when I think I've seen or heard it all, someone, somewhere finds a way to take stupid to whole new level... Consider for a moment the manager of a Denny's restaurant in Belleville, Illinois who asked five plain clothes police officers to either … [Continue reading] about Stuck on Stupid: Belleville Cops Booted From Denny’s For… Carrying Their Guns
Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night. THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS by Clement Clarke Moore 'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; The stockings were hung by the chimney … [Continue reading] about Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night.
Saturday Serenade: Jane Monheit & Sara Gazarek – Come Spend Christmas With Me
I could listen to Jane Monheit and Sara Gazarek sing 24x7 365 days and never get bored... there's just something about listening to their beautiful, clear voices that's good for the soul. Have a very Merry Christmas … [Continue reading] about Saturday Serenade: Jane Monheit & Sara Gazarek – Come Spend Christmas With Me
Breaking: Haley to name Tim Scott to Senate seat

Various news outlets are reporting that South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley will appoint Rep. Tim Scott to fill the Senate seat vacated by Jim DeMint, who is resigning to become president of the Heritage Foundation. Gov. Haley is expected to … [Continue reading] about Breaking: Haley to name Tim Scott to Senate seat
Madman Kills 26 at Connecicut Elementary School
I'm reluctant to write about the act of evil visited on my neighbors in Newtown yesterday... To be honest I'm a bit numb, and still trying to make sense of senselessness. I live a little more than 10 miles from the Sandy Hook Elementary School … [Continue reading] about Madman Kills 26 at Connecicut Elementary School
Obama Campaign Officially Jumps the Shark
Wow, just wow. I think it's safe to say President Barack Obama's re-election campaign has officially jumped the shark. I don't know what else to say about their newly released ad featuring actress Lena Dunham comparing voting to losing her … [Continue reading] about Obama Campaign Officially Jumps the Shark
12 Year Old Girl Thwarts Home Invasion
From KWTV, News 9 Oklahoma: - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | BRYAN COUNTY, Oklahoma - A 12-year-old girl took matters into her own hands during a home invasion in southeast Oklahoma. It happened on Wednesday … [Continue reading] about 12 Year Old Girl Thwarts Home Invasion