CNSNews has a rather frightening report on the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program's report to congress. In short the report says that although Congress limited the Treasury Dept. to spending only $700 billion on TARP … [Continue reading] about TARP Price Tag Could Reach $2.9 Trillion?
Democratic Scandal Scorecard
Most ethical Congress in History? Umm, yeah, not so much... Jim Geraghty has the list, starting with Connecticut's own Chris Dodd: SEN. CHRIS DODD (D., CONN.): Dodd is most notably and recently in trouble for the provision of the stimulus bill … [Continue reading] about Democratic Scandal Scorecard
WSJ: Misconceptions About the Interrogation Memos
William McSwain, a assistant U.S. attorney and executive editor of the 2005 Review of Department of Defense Detention Operations and Detainee Interrogation Techniques, commonly called the Church Report has a must read Op Ed in today's Wall Street … [Continue reading] about WSJ: Misconceptions About the Interrogation Memos
100 Days, 100 Mistakes for the Obama Administration
The New York Post has compiled what may be the only retrospective of Barack Obama's first 100 days you need to read... Of course the Post probably shouldn't throw stones considering the major gaff they made. Here's the top ten: "Obama … [Continue reading] about 100 Days, 100 Mistakes for the Obama Administration
It’s No Fun Being Chris Dodd These Days…
Consider this anecdote from the Register Citizen, it illustrates Sen. Dodd's ongoing political troubles quite nicely: Just how much trouble is Sen. Chris Dodd in as he runs for re-election next year? You’ve seen the surprising opinion polls showing … [Continue reading] about It’s No Fun Being Chris Dodd These Days…
Scenes from the Rebellion: Woodbury Tea Party

Roughly 300 Connecticut residents attended a modern day "Boston Tea Party" in Woodbury's Washington Park this morning. Here's a few pictures from the rally: … [Continue reading] about Scenes from the Rebellion: Woodbury Tea Party
Reminder: Woodbury Tea Party
"It does not take a majority to prevail...but rather an irate, tireless minority keen on setting brushfires of freedom and liberty in the minds of men." -Samuel Adams Just a reminder to readers I’ll be covering the Woodbury Tea Party tomorrow … [Continue reading] about Reminder: Woodbury Tea Party
John McCain: 9-11 Hijackers Entered U.S. From Canada
Oh jeez... First it was Janet Napolitano now it's John McCain repeating a the highly dubious claim that the 9-11 hijackers entered the United Sates through Canada: What's up with Arizona politicians? Arizona Sen. John McCain made the dubious … [Continue reading] about John McCain: 9-11 Hijackers Entered U.S. From Canada
Poll Question: How Would You Rate Barack Obama’s First 100 Days?
Is April 21, 2009 The Day Bipartisanship Died?
There's no doubt that our political process has become poised by hyper partisan rhetoric but so far we have resisted the temptation of criminalizing policy differences. That all changed on April 21, 2009 when Pres. Barack Obama suggested that Bush … [Continue reading] about Is April 21, 2009 The Day Bipartisanship Died?
Gaffestastic: Napolitano Strikes Again
The hits just keep coming... This time it's Canadians who are wondering how an idiot like Janet Napolitano got the job of Homeland Security Secretary: A diplomatic skirmish has broken out over suggestions by Janet Napolitano, the U. S. homeland … [Continue reading] about Gaffestastic: Napolitano Strikes Again
Pelosi Knew About Harman Wiretap
Roll Call is reporting that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was briefed about the NSA wiretap's that caught Rep. Jane Harman discussing a possible deal with supporters of two former AIPAC lobbyists charged with espionage: The National Security Agency … [Continue reading] about Pelosi Knew About Harman Wiretap
Minuteman Founder To Challange John McCain
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps founder Chris Simcox is expected to announce today that he will challenge Arizona Sen. John McCain in a Republican primary in 201o: PHOENIX — The co-founder of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps in Arizona will challenge … [Continue reading] about Minuteman Founder To Challange John McCain
David Kellermann, Freddie Mac’s Acting CFO Found Dead
David Kellermann, the acting CFO of Freddie Mac was found dead at his suburban Washington home early Wednesday. From the Wall Street Journal: The acting chief financial officer of Freddie Mac, David Kellermann, was found dead at his suburban … [Continue reading] about David Kellermann, Freddie Mac’s Acting CFO Found Dead
Idiot: Janet Napolitano Doesn’t Know The Law Her Agency is Supposed to Enforce
Dept. of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is without a doubt the biggest idiot in Washington. Her remarks on CNN's State of the Union on Sunday demonstrates she has no clue about the laws her agency is supposed to enforce: KING: A lot of … [Continue reading] about Idiot: Janet Napolitano Doesn’t Know The Law Her Agency is Supposed to Enforce