The Washington Times is reporting today that Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) took unusual steps to route route taxpayer dollars to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. which had just awarded her husband’s firm a lucrative contract: On the day the new … [Continue reading] about Dianne Feinstein Routed Government Money to Husband’s Firm
Rep. Harman Seeks Release of AIPAC Transcripts
Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA) has asked Attorney General Eric Holder to release transcripts of her recorded phone conversations: WASHINGTON – Rep. Jane Harman asked the Justice Department to release transcripts of her recorded conversations following … [Continue reading] about Rep. Harman Seeks Release of AIPAC Transcripts
Chris Dodd Taps Wall Street for Campaign Cash
I wrote about Sen. Dodd's dismal in-state campaign fund raising efforts on Friday, today, thanks to the Associated Press we know much more those efforts. Sen. Dodd raised a total of $608,995 from individuals during the first quarter, only $4,250 … [Continue reading] about Chris Dodd Taps Wall Street for Campaign Cash
Caught on Tape: Jane Harman & AIPAC
If even half of what's alleged in this Congressional Quarterly report is true Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA) and former attorney general Alberto Gonzales have a lot explaining to do: Rep. Jane Harman , the California Democrat with a longtime involvement … [Continue reading] about Caught on Tape: Jane Harman & AIPAC
Figures on Government Spending and Debt
FYI: Total public debt subject to limit April 16 11,125,587 Statutory debt limit 12,104,000 Total public debt outstanding April 16 11,183,899 Operating balance April 16 257,351 Interest fiscal year 2009 thru February … [Continue reading] about Figures on Government Spending and Debt
Tea Party Impact: Connecticut Republicans Introduce No Tax-Increase Budget
Republican legislators in Connecticut yesterday introduced a no tax-increase budget proposal... According to State Rep. Larry Cafero (R-Minority Leader), the Tax Day Tea Parties held around the state sent a very clear message "What was, sort of, … [Continue reading] about Tea Party Impact: Connecticut Republicans Introduce No Tax-Increase Budget
John Lott: ABC’s “If I Only Had a Gun” Experiment Shameful
I watched ABC's 20/20 special report "If I Only Had a Gun" last Friday. I came away from it with a couple of distinct impressions and I've been meaning to write a post about them... I'm going to defer to John Lott though, he seems to have come away … [Continue reading] about John Lott: ABC’s “If I Only Had a Gun” Experiment Shameful
Dept. of Homeland Security Issued ‘Extremist’ Report Despite Objections
The Department of Homeland Security apparently pushed out it's report "Right-wing Extremists" despite objections from their internal civil liberties watchdogs: Homeland Security Department officials disregarded warnings from their internal civil … [Continue reading] about Dept. of Homeland Security Issued ‘Extremist’ Report Despite Objections
Only 5 Connecticut Residents Donated to Dodd
Senator Chris Dodd has a problem, he supposedly represents the people of Connecticut in the Senate but he's apparently having to look elsewhere for campaign cash... Only $4,250 of $604,745 raised during the first three months of 2009 by Chris Dodd … [Continue reading] about Only 5 Connecticut Residents Donated to Dodd
Thousands Attend Tea Parties Around Connecticut and the Nation
Unfortunately work and family commitments kept from attending one of the Connecticut Tax Day Tea Parties yesterday... From what I've read they were hugely successful not just in Connecticut but nation wide. A couple things... First this video or … [Continue reading] about Thousands Attend Tea Parties Around Connecticut and the Nation
Sales Tax Revenue & Housing Starts Fall
I don't have any particular comments I just wanted to point out two stories that may have slipped under the radar, the first from yesterday's Wall Street Journal highlights the sharp decline in state and local sales tax revenue in four quarter of … [Continue reading] about Sales Tax Revenue & Housing Starts Fall
Environmentalists: ‘Cap-and-Trade’ Is Designed to Drive up Energy Costs and Redistribute Wealth
From President Obama’s “cap and trade” plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is specifically designed to drive up energy prices and redistribute wealth, according to a coalition of environmental, union, and liberal activist groups … [Continue reading] about Environmentalists: ‘Cap-and-Trade’ Is Designed to Drive up Energy Costs and Redistribute Wealth
WSJ: Convoys Are an Answer to Piracy
Peter Zimmerman has a must read Op-Ed in today's Wall Street Journal, in it Zimmerman argues convincingly that convoys are an answer to the threat posed by Somali pirates: To be sure, in different circumstances naval patrols have worked. Towards the … [Continue reading] about WSJ: Convoys Are an Answer to Piracy
Are You a Rightwing Extremist?
There's been a great deal of buzz on conservative blogs and talk radio about this Department of Homeland Security report on rightwing extremism. I'm not going spend a lot of time deconstructing the report or pointing out it's faults, Moe Lane, … [Continue reading] about Are You a Rightwing Extremist?
Happy Easter

Easter is a celebration of love that never fails... …And life that never ends. May your day be filled with joy! … [Continue reading] about Happy Easter