As a Connecticut resident I've been hearing the rumblings about Chris Dodd for a while now but they're finally starting to come into national focus: HARTFORD, Conn. – Howard Rosenblatt voted for U.S. Sen. Christopher Dodd five years ago. He won't do … [Continue reading] about AP: Dodd’s Stock With Voters Began Dropping Before AIG
Washington Mutual Sues the FDIC
Washington Mutual Inc. has filed suit against the FDIC seeking to recover roughly $13 billion connected to the seizure and sale of its banking arm by federal regulators. From Reuters: NEW YORK (Reuters) – Washington Mutual Inc, the failed U.S. … [Continue reading] about Washington Mutual Sues the FDIC
Scenes from the Rebellion: Ridgefield Tea Party

Roughly 300 people attended the Ridgefield Tea Party in Ballard park today... from the Ridgefield Press: Flags-wavers, bell-ringers, some in colonial military get-up, others wearing American flags as capes: angry Americans gathered 200 to 300 strong … [Continue reading] about Scenes from the Rebellion: Ridgefield Tea Party
The last Grownup: John Kyl Puts the Breaks on Rush to Tax AIG Bonuses
We got into this mess because Congress and the administration rushed through the Stimulus bill without sufficient time for legislators to review and debate the bill. Now Congress is trying to compound one set of mistakes with another by rushing … [Continue reading] about The last Grownup: John Kyl Puts the Breaks on Rush to Tax AIG Bonuses
Kerry and Boxer: U.S. ‘Needs’ Cap-and-Trade on Carbon Emissions Even if Energy Costs Rise
I was going to mention this Washington times piece on Barack Obama's climate plan yesterday... But I had the feeling if I waited one or more of our genius politicians would say something stupid. Enter Democratic Sens. John F. Kerry and Barbara … [Continue reading] about Kerry and Boxer: U.S. ‘Needs’ Cap-and-Trade on Carbon Emissions Even if Energy Costs Rise
Reminder: Ridgefield Tea Party

Just a reminder to readers I'll be covering the Ridgefield Tea party tomorrow morning. The rally kicks off at 10:00 a.m. in Ballard park on Main Street in Ridgefiled, CT. Public Parking is available off Bailey Ave. and also off Prospect St. one block … [Continue reading] about Reminder: Ridgefield Tea Party
Crime Doesn’t Pay: iPod Scammer Brought Up On Federal Charges
From Macworld: Prosecutors have just brought federal charges of fraud and money laundering against Nicholas Arthur Woodhams of Kalamazoo, Mich. You may remember Woodhams as the man who scammed Apple out of numerous iPod shuffles, a plot that got him … [Continue reading] about Crime Doesn’t Pay: iPod Scammer Brought Up On Federal Charges
Obama Administration Backtracks On Veterans’ Insurance
Well, well it looks like the Obama Administration is backing away from plans to to charge veterans' private health insurance for the treatment of service related injuries: President Barack Obama reversed course Wednesday on a highly charged proposal … [Continue reading] about Obama Administration Backtracks On Veterans’ Insurance
Damn the Constitution, Full Speed Ahead!
This is beyond priceless: WASHINGTON -- The House gave strong approval to legislation intended to recoup bonuses paid by American International Group Inc. and other recipients of federal aid, after a sharp-edged debate that dramatized populist … [Continue reading] about Damn the Constitution, Full Speed Ahead!
Congressman McCotter Slams Stimulus “Yes” Voters for Protecting AIG Executive Bonuses
I'm about ready to make Rep. Thaddeus McCotter of Michigan my adopted Congressman: "Facts are hard things to disprove. Every single Democrat in this House that voted for that bill voted to approve and protect those AIG bonuses. Every … [Continue reading] about Congressman McCotter Slams Stimulus “Yes” Voters for Protecting AIG Executive Bonuses
Yeah, What He Said… Sort of.

This video needs no introduction or explanation: Tea party anyone? I disagree vehemently on a several points not the least of which is the repeal of the Electoral College... Look at this map of county by county election results from 2000 … [Continue reading] about Yeah, What He Said… Sort of.
Chris Dodd Was Against AIG’s Bonuses Before He Was For Them???
It's getting so you can't follow the twist and turns in the AIG retantion bonus kerfufle without a map... It now looks like Chris Dodd was against the bonuses before he was for them but now he's against them: For a while, the disappearance of an … [Continue reading] about Chris Dodd Was Against AIG’s Bonuses Before He Was For Them???
The Hits Keep Coming: Chris Dodd Was For AIG Bonuses Before He Was Against Them
From Fox Business (emphasis mine): Senator Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) on Monday night floated the idea of taxing American International Group (AIG: 0.9194, 0.1393, 17.86%) bonus recipients so the government could recoup some or all of the $450 million … [Continue reading] about The Hits Keep Coming: Chris Dodd Was For AIG Bonuses Before He Was Against Them
Obama Administration Considering Plan to Charge Veterans Private Health Insurance for the Treatment of Service Related Injuries
My Father, a World War II veteran, passed away in January... I hate to say this but I'm glad he's not here to see this: The Obama administration is considering a plan to charge the private health insurance of veterans for treatment of … [Continue reading] about Obama Administration Considering Plan to Charge Veterans Private Health Insurance for the Treatment of Service Related Injuries
One Year Old Today is one year old today. I launched this site on March 17, 2008 mainly because I'd out grown the laughable 5MBs of free web space provided by my ISP. I toyed around with free services like GoeCities, MySpace, Facebook and Blogger for a … [Continue reading] about One Year Old Today