Over the last couple of days a lot has been said and written about why Republicans lost... Conservatives want to blame John McCain. Moderates and some McCain staffers are trying to pin the blame on Sarah Palin. Enough! All this finger pointing … [Continue reading] about The Blame Game
Election Postmortem
Let the finger pointing begin... Beltway Republicans will undoubtedly blame John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate as the reason for his loss. Palin may not have been the most qualified candidate available and her disastrous … [Continue reading] about Election Postmortem
Election Day

VOTE I voted about an hour ago... Turnout was heavy but not overwhelming, I was in and out in about 10 minutes. … [Continue reading] about Election Day
Alaska Personal Board Clears Plain Of Wrong Doing In “Troopergate”
New report from the Alaska Personal Board has cleared Governor Sarah Palin in the firing of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan. The report prepared by independent investigator Timothy Petumenos, goes on to say the investigator hired by the … [Continue reading] about Alaska Personal Board Clears Plain Of Wrong Doing In “Troopergate”
Lest We Forget: Col. John Ripley USMC (ret.)
Col. John Ripley USMC (ret.) passed away today. From Examiner.com: ANNAPOLIS, Md. - Retired Marine Col. John Ripley, who was credited with stopping a column of North Vietnamese tanks by blowing up a pair of bridges during the 1972 Easter … [Continue reading] about Lest We Forget: Col. John Ripley USMC (ret.)
Audio: Barack Obama’s Cap & Trade Policy is So Aggressive It Will Bankrupt Coal Fired Plants
If Barack Obama's remarks wealth redistribution didn't scare you his remarks on energy policy should... In a January 2008 interview with the San Francisco Chronicle Sen. Obama said that he would impose a Cap & Trade system aggressive that it … [Continue reading] about Audio: Barack Obama’s Cap & Trade Policy is So Aggressive It Will Bankrupt Coal Fired Plants
Sarah Palin: ‘I Haven’t Always Just Toed the Line’
Whatever reservations I have about Sarah Palin's qualifications are largely muted by the fact that I like her. Palin has endured a torrent of abuse from the left and from some erstwhile republican elitists and through it all, she has remained … [Continue reading] about Sarah Palin: ‘I Haven’t Always Just Toed the Line’
Reporters Kicked Off OBama’s Campaign Plane???
Matt Drudge is reporting that the Obama campaign has kicked reporters from the New York Post, Washington Times and Dallas Morning News off his campaign plane... All three papers have recently endorsed John McCain. From Fox News: Journalists from … [Continue reading] about Reporters Kicked Off OBama’s Campaign Plane???
HP, Dell, Toshiba Recall Laptop Batteries
Computerworld is reporting that HP, Dell & Toshiba are recalling approximately 100,000 Sony made laptop batteries. October 31, 2008 (IDG News Service) Three of the biggest laptop computer makers are recalling certain batteries because of a risk … [Continue reading] about HP, Dell, Toshiba Recall Laptop Batteries
al Qaeda Wants Republicans, Bush “humiliated”
It must be a slow news day if I'm linking to a story about an al Qaeda statement... DUBAI (Reuters) - An al Qaeda leader has called for President George W. Bush and the Republicans to be "humiliated," without endorsing any party in the upcoming U.S. … [Continue reading] about al Qaeda Wants Republicans, Bush “humiliated”
Poll Question: Who Are You Voting For?
It's a slow news day, and like Allahpundit I'm a blogger strapped for content so here comes a poll question: [poll id="10"] … [Continue reading] about Poll Question: Who Are You Voting For?
Obama’s Infomercial
I didn't watch Barack Obama's prime time infomercial last night. Michelle Malkin live blogged it and the Associated Press fact checked it... Apparently I doesn't look like I missed much. Calvin Woodward reports that Sen. Obama "was less than … [Continue reading] about Obama’s Infomercial
The Phillies Win!
The Philadelphia Phillies have won the World Series, defeating the Tampa Bay Rays in five games. The decisive game, which the Phillies won 4-3, was the continuation of a game from Monday that was halted by rain. Examiner.com has the full … [Continue reading] about The Phillies Win!
The Obligatory Cheesy “Scary” Halloween Video
This was made by an Apple reseller in Canada. H/T: Alex Eckelberry. … [Continue reading] about The Obligatory Cheesy “Scary” Halloween Video
A Public Service Announcement
My Fellow Conservatives, tonight at 8:00 p.m. Barack Obama's 30 minute infomercial will air on CBS, NBC and Fox. I won't be watching, I plan on spending the evening with John Wayne & Maureen O’Hara. I can’t think of better antidote to … [Continue reading] about A Public Service Announcement