Apparently his constituents aren’t racist: October 16, 2008 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Murtha Statement on Comments made about Western Pennsylvania Yesterday JOHNSTOWN, PA — Congressman John P. Murtha, Chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, was quoted yesterday in remarks made at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette ( ) and Pittsburgh Tribune-Review ( He issued the following […]
2008 Elections
Poll Question: Who Won The Final Presidential Debate?
[poll id=”9″] Overall I thought this was John McCain’s best debate. Unfortunately, I don’t think it was a game changer. In fact I think the plumber, Joe Wurzelbacher, was the only real winner. A couple of quick points: 1) The Secret Service says they have yet to find anyone who can backup that Scranton ‘Kill […]
Jack Murtha: My Constituents Are Racist
I guess smearing Marines as cold blooded killers wasn’t enough for him… Now he’s calling his own constituents racist. From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Murtha expects Obama to win Pa. Says it has taken time for voters to embrace black candidate Wednesday, October 15, 2008 By Ed Blazina, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette U.S. Rep. John Murtha said today […]
Election Burnout
I’m suffering from Election Burnout… I can honestly say I’m not interested in hearing another word from the candidates nor I’m not interested in writing another word about the election. This campaign has been going on in one form or another for nearly two years now… My mind is made up all I want to […]
Poll Question: Who Won The Second Pesidential Debate?
[poll id=”8″] I’m calling it a draw… I though Sen. McCain did much better on the economy and health care than he did in the first debate. He slammed Sen. Obama on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and challenged the assumption that is was deregulation caused the financial crisis. He completely lost me with mortgage […]
Analyzing the Polls
AJ Strata has an interesting analysis of recent polls. Note the D-R-I split on “all voters” is 43-36-28. Most polls are weighting their sample by party affiliation, not policy preference. With the Democrat Presidential Primary drawing huge crowds and lots of GOP cross-overs to fight off Obama I would not want to put my reputation […]
A Failure of Leadership
What I said yesterday about McCain and leadership… Scratch that. My first reaction to John McCain’s announcement that he was suspending his campaign and returning Washington to help craft a financial bailout plan was positive. I though it was bold move that could pay huge dividends down the road. This morning, after rolling it around […]
The Morning After The Morning After…
I’m pressed for time again so this is going to be short and ugly… Overall I think John McCain delivered a great speech last night. Unfortunately the under card left a lot to be desired… I knew it would be hard to top or even match Wednesday night’s lineup but jeez, I just about fell […]
Revisiting Zell Miller
Hat Tip: Grim @ Blackfive. Zell Miller much like Joe Lieberman places his love of country ahead of party politics. His speech at the Republican Convention in 2004 was one of the greatest political speeches I’ve ever heard. We are faced with no less an important choice this election so it’s worth remembering what he […]
The Morning After…
I’m pressed for time this morning so I’ll keep this short… If you’re like me you watched Sarah Palin’s speech last night with a critical eye. Personally, I thought she knocked it out of the park. She showed why grassroots conservatives love her and why smart liberals are worried or even scared… The dumb ones […]
Was She or Wasn’t She???
All morning long I’ve been hearing and reading media reports quoting an “unnamed republican source” as saying that “the team assigned to vet … [Sarah] Palin in Alaska” didn’t get there until the day before John McCain “stunned the political world with his vice-presidential choice.” I’d like to know exactly who this source is and […]
Debunking Two Myths About Sarah Palin…
Lets start with the experience thing. Personally, I’m not particularly swayed by the experience argument, it seems to me part of the reason we’re in the mess we’re in is because of experienced career politicians who are wedded to the old way of doing things. Frankly I’d rather take my chances with a “rookie” than […]
Foreign Policy Experience – Does It Matter?
One of the things that’s been bothering me about this presidential campaign is the constant droning of so and so doesn’t have any foreign policy experience. Where is it written that a presidential candidate has to have “foreign policy experience”? How much foreign policy experience did Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton or George W. Bush have […]
It’s Palin… Hot Damn!
I’ve have to admit I’m stoked! Yes I still have reservations about John McCain, I don’t like him, I don’t trust him but Sarah Palin is the real deal. She’s a solid conservative; she’s intelligent, articulate and charismatic. She has a proven record as a reformer; she’s battled corruption and pork barrel spending and she […]
McCain VP Watch… Who’s It Going To Be?
My top picks in no particular order: Fred Thompson Michael Steele Sarah Palin Carly Fiorina Michelle Malkin has more… Update: Foxnews says it’s Palin. Whew… I’m not sure what to say. Personally, I would have preferred Michael Steele or Fred Thompson… That said Palin’s a great choice, grass roots conservatives are energized/excited by it, inside […]