I didn’t watch Barack Obama’s prime time infomercial last night. Michelle Malkin live blogged it and the Associated Press fact checked it… Apparently I doesn’t look like I missed much. Calvin Woodward reports that Sen. Obama “was less than upfront in his half-hour commercial Wednesday night about the costs of his programs and the crushing […]
Barack Obama
A Public Service Announcement
My Fellow Conservatives, tonight at 8:00 p.m. Barack Obama’s 30 minute infomercial will air on CBS, NBC and Fox. I won’t be watching, I plan on spending the evening with John Wayne & Maureen O’Hara. I can’t think of better antidote to Barack Obama’s testament to himself than Rio Grande. Michelle Malkin says take Obama’s […]
Heritage Foundation to Barack Obama: Please Stop Lying About Our Postion On Your Tax Plan
Heritage Foundation lawyer Alan P. Dye sent the following letter to the Obama campaign requesting that they withdraw advertisements that misrepresent the opinion of the Heritage Foundation senior policy analyst Rea Hederman. Dear Senator Obama: Two recent campaign advertisements seriously misrepresent the views of my client, The Heritage Foundation. They suggest, quite falsely, that The […]
Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid…
Be afraid, be very afraid… In all the furor over Barack Obama’s 2001 remarks on redistribution we missed a larger more frightening point. Take a look the transcript of Sen. Obama’s remarks (emphasis mine): If you look at the victories and failures of the civil rights movement and its litigation strategy in the court, I […]
Funny Money: The New York Post Reports on Barack Obama’s Fund Raising
This story has been making the rounds of the blogosphere for the past week or so and is finally starting to gain traction in the mainstream media. DUBIOUS DONATIONS By Scott W. Johnson, New York Post, October 27, 2008 Barack Obama has proved the greatest fund-raiser of all time by a long shot. His campaign […]
Miami Dolphins Owner Wants to Sell His Stake Before Obama Raises Taxes
Miami Dolphins owner Wayne Huizenga said Sunday that he wants to sell up to 45 percent more of the team to Stephen Ross and that the presidential election is among the issues weighing on his decision. From SunSentinal.com: Dolphins owner H. Wayne Huizenga said Sunday no date has been set for selling up to 45 […]
Barack Obama: Socialist
I don’t know any other way to say it… Barack Obama is not your father’s democrat he is a card carrying socialist. I don’t care how much lipstick you put on it… There isn’t a bit of difference between what Barack Obama said to Joe Wurzelbacher or what he says in this 2001 interview with […]
Tough Questions for Joe Biden
WFTV anchor Barbara West conducted a satellite interview with Sen. Joe Biden on Thursday, October 23rd. Unlike most reporters West didn’t shy away from asking tough questions… She questioned Biden on democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s ties to ACORN and his plans to “spread the wealth” around. Biden’s answers are quite revealing. The only quesion […]
Krauthammer & Thompson
Charles Krauthammer like me isn’t the happiest of conservatives in this race but like me he understands what’s at stake. I’m no fan of John McCain but given the choice between him and Barack Obama it’s a no brainer… Barack Obama is not your fathers democrat he is a socialist. Krauthammer writes: Contrarian that I […]
Pollster: Media Polls Biased Against Republicans
I don’t put a lot faith in polls and this is why: Political polls conducted for most media organizations often are biased against Republicans, says Kellyanne Conway, one of the most respected GOP pollsters. As a result, Barack Obama’s lead over John McCain probably is exaggerated and is contributing unfairly to his momentum, says Conway, […]
The Comprehensive Argument Against Barack Obama
Guy Benson, Mary Katharine Ham and Ed Morrissey have published a very well researched article pointing out the facts about Barack Obama, his policy positions, associations, accomplishments. If you haven’t read it you should.
Weekend Recap
For the most part I stayed away from the computer and the news this weekend. I did come across a couple of must reads in the Wall Street Journal though. The first is Brian Carney’s weekend interview with Anna Schwartz, Ms. Schwartz is well known economist and her views on the current economic crisis are […]
Poll Question: Who Won The Final Presidential Debate?
[poll id=”9″] Overall I thought this was John McCain’s best debate. Unfortunately, I don’t think it was a game changer. In fact I think the plumber, Joe Wurzelbacher, was the only real winner. A couple of quick points: 1) The Secret Service says they have yet to find anyone who can backup that Scranton ‘Kill […]
Election Burnout
I’m suffering from Election Burnout… I can honestly say I’m not interested in hearing another word from the candidates nor I’m not interested in writing another word about the election. This campaign has been going on in one form or another for nearly two years now… My mind is made up all I want to […]
95% Illusion
The Wall Street Journal has a great analysis of Barack Obama’s “tax cut” proposals today. The Journal’s analysis should come as a surprise to anyone… In short Obama “tax cuts” are 95% illusion. One of Barack Obama’s most potent campaign claims is that he’ll cut taxes for no less than 95% of “working families.” He’s […]