From the Wall Street Journal: The Justice Department indicted five Chinese military officers, alleging they hacked U.S. companies’ computers to steal trade secrets, a major escalation in the fight between the two superpowers over economic espionage. The indictment, unsealed Monday, marks the first time the U.S. government has publicly accused employees of a foreign power […]
The Obama-Romney Tariff
Lord help us… Senators Chuck Schumer and Lindsey Graham are at it again, this time pushing a monumentally bad idea, called the Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act through the Senate: The world has done surprisingly well since the Great Recession began at not making things worse with trade protectionism. But that may soon change […]
Ouch: Saturday Night Live Mocks Obama’s G20 Summit Trip
It’s more or less the same skit as last time, but it’s still petty good and we are still dealing the same crappy economic policies. Ouch, the sad thing is, this really isn’t a laughing matter… I don’t think there’s intellectually honest person on the left or right who can call the results President Obama’s […]
Priceless: Saturday Night Live Mocks Obama’s China Trip
Just how bad have things gotten for President Obama? This bad: Ouch… I wonder how many reporters the Associated Press will devote to fact checking SNL? (H/T: MsUnderestimated via Hot Air’s Headlines)
Sarah Palin: Dollar’s Troubles Show Need for Energy Independence
Two days ago the British newspaper The Independent published a rather dubious report by Robert Fisk claiming that oil-producing Arab states along with China, Russia, Japan and France were conspiring on a plan to dump the dollar for oil trading, a move which would seriously weaken our currency and influence abroad. The Arab states named […]
Tim Geithner is a Laughingstock in China, Too
Ouch, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner who has become pretty much a permanent punch line here is apparently a laughingstock in China too (emphasis mine): U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on Monday reassured the Chinese government that its huge holdings of dollar assets are safe and reaffirmed his faith in a strong U.S. currency. A major […]