From The Hill (emphasis mine): Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) declared a return to “the era of big government” the day after President Obama’s first formal address to Congress. “From everything I’ve seen, it looks like the era of big government spending is back,” he told reporters at a lunch convened by the Christian Science […]
Sniffing Out A RAT
The more we learn about the provisions of the recently passed stimulus law the more their is to be concerned about. Byron York writing in today’s Washington Examiner sniffs out a RAT buried in the stimulus law: You’ve heard a lot about the astonishing spending in the $787 billion economic stimulus bill, signed into law […]
So Much for Bipartisanship
Connie Hair at Human Events reports on the latest power grab by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi plans to re-write House rules today to ensure that the Republican minority is unable to have any influence on legislation. Pelosi’s proposals are so draconian, and will so polarize the Capitol, that any thought President-elect […]
Say It Ain’t So: Congress Gives Itself a Raise
Only in Washington… Roughly 2 million Americans have lost their jobs, the economy is a mess and the same idiots in Congress who are whining about CEO compensation and perks give themselves a $4,700 a year pay raise. Talk about being tone deaf! It’s no wonder why their approval ratings are in single digits.
Treasury Throws Auto Industry a Life Line???
Damn! What is it with the Bush administration? Senate Republicans rightly stopped the auto industry bail last night and today the Bush Administration decides to use TARP funds to throw a life line to GM and Chrysler. From FoxBusiness: Despite the abrupt death last night of bailout legislation in Congress, it seems the Big Three […]
WSJ: Congress Whitewashing Fannie and Freddie
With all the buzz about the Feds corruption probe of Gov. Illinois Rod Blagojevich it’s easy for things like this Wall Street Journal column to be missed. Whitewashing Fannie Mae Congress begins its self-absolution campaign. Henry Waxman’s House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform met Tuesday to examine “The Role of Fannie Mae and Freddie […]
Credit Crisis: Chris Shays Comes Out Swinging At Congress
Democrats in Congress may not want to talk about their roll in causing the subprime meltdown by refusing to regulate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac but Rep. Christopher Shays (R-Conn) does: H/T: Hot Air.
Rasmussen: 59% Would Vote to Replace Entire Congress
Color me unsuprised… Rasmussen has released the results of a new poll showing that 59% of voter would vote to replace the entire Congress: Congress was front and center in the national news last week and the American people were far from impressed. If they could vote to keep or replace the entire Congress, 59% […]
Flamethrower: Thaddeus McCotter
It’s pure unadulterated demagoguery but it’s still a hell of speech! With all due respect Congressman Wall Street didn’t cause this problem… They played their part but it was Congress and government regulators who, in the name of affordable housing, compelled banks to write these risky sub-prime loans. It was Congress who created Fannie Mae […]
Newsflash: Wall Street Journal Reporting Agreement in Principle Is Reached on $700 Billion Bailout
From the Wall Street Journal: Congress reached an agreement in principle on a $700 billion package to bail out the financial industry, leaders from both parties said Thursday. They plan to present the deal to the White House later Thursday, hoping for a vote within days. Lawmakers said there were few hurdles remaining. “There really […]
A Failure of Leadership
What I said yesterday about McCain and leadership… Scratch that. My first reaction to John McCain’s announcement that he was suspending his campaign and returning Washington to help craft a financial bailout plan was positive. I though it was bold move that could pay huge dividends down the road. This morning, after rolling it around […]