Let the finger pointing begin… Beltway Republicans will undoubtedly blame John McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate as the reason for his loss. Palin may not have been the most qualified candidate available and her disastrous interview with Katie Couric certainly didn’t help her or John McCain. It’s easy to lay the […]
George W. Bush
al Qaeda Wants Republicans, Bush “humiliated”
It must be a slow news day if I’m linking to a story about an al Qaeda statement… DUBAI (Reuters) – An al Qaeda leader has called for President George W. Bush and the Republicans to be “humiliated,” without endorsing any party in the upcoming U.S. presidential election, according to a video posted on the […]
Dick Armey: Bush Plan to Buy Bank Stocks Should Face Constitutional Challenge
Via CNSNews.com: Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-Texas) said that the Bush administration’s plan to buy $250 billion in stock in U.S. banks should be challenged in federal court as unconstitutional. “I think that it is subject to a serious constitutional challenge,” Armey said in a conference call with reporters on Tuesday. “It is […]
Bush: “We don’t want to rush”
Say what??? Oh the irony… As global markets plunged, President Bush on Monday said “it’s going to take awhile” for the government’s $700 billion financial rescue plan to bolster the troubled U.S. economy. Bush said the purpose of the package was to unlock the nation’s credit freeze “to get money moving again.” But, he added: […]
Crap Sandwich 2.0 Passes The House 263-171
The Wall Street Journal has the details: WASHINGTON — U.S. House of Representatives lawmakers wary of growing signs of the nation’s economic distress voted Friday in favor of a $700 billion Wall Street rescue package, sending the biggest government intervention in the financial markets since the Great Depression to President George W. Bush for his […]
Ouch… Someone’s Not Happy
Someone’s not happy about the Bush/Paulson/Bernanky bailout plan. H/T: Kathryn Jean Lopez.
Senate Passes Crap Sandwich 2.0 74-25
From the Wall Street Journal: Senate Passes Bailout Package House Passage Remains Less Certain WASHINGTON — The Senate’s revamped bailout package drew support from 74 lawmakers in a roll call vote Wednesday evening, and the measure will now return to the balky House of Representatives for another vote following its unexpected rejection on Monday. U.S. […]
A Failure of Leadership
What I said yesterday about McCain and leadership… Scratch that. My first reaction to John McCain’s announcement that he was suspending his campaign and returning Washington to help craft a financial bailout plan was positive. I though it was bold move that could pay huge dividends down the road. This morning, after rolling it around […]
Gibson versus Palin – Round Two
Scroll for Updates Over all Governor Palin did quite well last night, she was relaxed, confident and showed tremendous grace under pressure. I was disappointed in her answers on the economy though. Frankly I think she blew it. She didn’t do anything to differentiate the McCain campaign from Bush administration. She could have easily done […]