It’s time for round four of our 2012 Republican Presidential Primary Straw Poll. For this round are (in no particular order): Herman Cain, John Bolton, Thaddeus McCotter, Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, Gary Johnson, Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul and John Huntsman Changes from round three: I’ve removed anyone who isn’t […]
Thaddeus McCotter
Her Name was Neda
Congressman Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI) lays a smackdown on the Mullahs and President Obama: Neda Agha Soltan was 26, and to those new she was ‘a beam of light‘… Contrast the statements and actions of this administration with those of Ronald Reagan. Reagan was unequivocal in his support of the of the Polish Solidarity movement, this […]
Election Postmortem
Let the finger pointing begin… Beltway Republicans will undoubtedly blame John McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate as the reason for his loss. Palin may not have been the most qualified candidate available and her disastrous interview with Katie Couric certainly didn’t help her or John McCain. It’s easy to lay the […]
Flamethrower: Thaddeus McCotter
It’s pure unadulterated demagoguery but it’s still a hell of speech! With all due respect Congressman Wall Street didn’t cause this problem… They played their part but it was Congress and government regulators who, in the name of affordable housing, compelled banks to write these risky sub-prime loans. It was Congress who created Fannie Mae […]